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JereKuusela-Server_devcommands-1.25.0 icon

Server devcommands

Enables devcommands and utilities for server admins.

Date uploaded 2 years ago
Version 1.25.0
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Dependency string JereKuusela-Server_devcommands-1.25.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202


Server Devcommands

Allows devcommands and utilities for server admins.

Some features and commands require also installing the mod on the server (event, randomevent, resetkeys, skiptime, sleep, stopevent).

Install on the admin client and optionally on the server (modding guide).

Check wiki for available commands and how to use them. Remember to add your steamID64 to the adminlist.txt.


  • Console is enabled without having to set the start parameter.
  • Cheat commands can also be used from the chat window (with autocomplete).
  • Autocomplete works for every parameter, always providing some information.
  • Multiple commands can be executed at the same time (when separated with ;).
  • New commands can be created with alias command.
  • Modifier keys work when binding commands to keys.
  • devcommands is used automatically (if the admin check passes).
  • debugmode, fly, ghost, god, nocost and other commands can be configured to be used automatically.
  • God mode removes stamina usage, knockback and staggering.
  • Ghost mode can make you invisible also to the other players.
  • Fly mode can remove collision to pass through everything.
  • Minor tweaks to existing commands, some new commands and other useful admin features.

Improved key bindings

Keybindings now work with modifier keys (key codes).

  • bind [keycode,modifier1,modifier2,...] [command] [parameter]: Adds a new key binding with modifier keys.
    • bind j god: Toggles god mode when pressing J.
    • bind j,leftalt,h debugmode: Toggles debug mode when pressing J while both left alt and h are down.
    • bind j keys=leftalt,h: Alternative way.

By default the best match is used. Which means that with above binds, toggling debugmode won't also toggle the god mode.

It's also possible to use negative modifiers. For example bind j,-leftalt god won't toggle god mode while left alt is pressed. However using these is not usually needed.

Bind modes

The list of keys can also contain item names to enable/disable commands when a certain item is equipped.

For example bind j,hammer god would only toggle god mode when the hammer is equipped.

List of other special modes:

  • build: True when in build mode.

Mouse wheel

Mouse wheel allows binding too with custom keycode wheel (by default simulates the keycode none). It's important to use modifier keys because the binding will block build rotation.

The mouse wheel appends the wheel direction and amount to the command. For example bind wheel,o say would say 0.1 or -0.1 in the chat when scrolling the mouse wheel while pressing the O key.

Note: After removing this mod, these binds very likely stop working or lead to unexpected behavior. Recommended to clear all binds with the resetbinds command.

Debug flying

The same system also works for rebinding the debug flying. For example:

  • devconfig fly_down_key space,leftcontrol: Changes to fly down when both left control and space are pressed.

Bind tagging

Binds can be tagged with tag=[name] parameter. The tag can be used to directly unbind these commands.

This is mostly indended to be used by other mods.

Command aliasing

New commands can be created to shorten command names or to set parameter values.

This is intended to be used with other mods that add more complex commands than in the base game.

  • alias [name] [value]: Adds a new command alias.
  • alias: Prints all aliases.
  • alias [name]: Removes the given alias.


  • alias dm debugmode: Adds a new command dm as a shorter version of debugmode.
  • alias spawn5 spawn $ 5 $: Adds a new command spawn5 with the spawn amount fixed at 5.
  • alias maxskill raiseskill $ 100: Adds a new command skill_max that raises the given skill to max level.
  • alias resetskill raiseskill $ -100: Adds a new command skill_reset that resets the given skill.
  • alias cheat debugmode;nocost;fly: Adds a new command cheat to quickly toggle cheats (if you don't want to use the config).

Enhanced commands

  • bind [key,modifier1,modifier2,...] [command] allows specifying modifier keys (see Improved key bindings section).
  • broadcast [center/side] [message] allows broadcasting custom messages to all players.
    • broadcast center <color=red><size=20><i><b>Hello!</b></i></size></color>: Broadcasts a small red message with bolding and italics.
  • devcommands includes an admin check to allow using on servers.
  • dev_config [name] [value] toggles settings.
    • dev_config auto_fly: Toggles the auto fly setting.
    • dev_config auto_fly 0: Disables the auto_fly setting.
    • dev_config auto_fly 1: Enables the auto fly setting.
    • server dev_config disable_debug_mode_keys defeated_eikthyr,defeated_gdking,defeated_bonemass,defeated_dragon,defeated_goblinking: Prevents boss kill global keys being set on the server.
    • server dev_config disable_debug_mode_keys: Prints currently disabled global keys.
  • env prints the current environment.
  • event [event] [x] [z] allows setting the event coordinates.
    • event army_eikthyr: Starts an event at your position.
    • event army_eikthyr 100 -100: Starts an event at coordinates 100,-100.
  • exploremap [x] [z] [radius] allows revealing only a part of the map.
  • goto [x,z,y] or ``goto x z y` teleports to the coordinates. If y is not given, teleports to the ground level.
  • goto teleports to the ground level.
  • goto [y] teleports to the altitude (dungeons are at 5000 altitude).
  • hud allows toggling the HUD visibility.
  • hud [value] allows directly setting the HUD visibility.
  • move_spawn [x,z,y = player's coordinates] allows moving the default spawn point.
  • nomap [value] allows directly setting the nomap mode and works with server command.
  • pos [player name / precision] [precision] allows getting the position of any player.
    • pos 1: Returns your position with 1 decimal precision.
    • pos jay: Returns the position of a player named Jay,Heyjay or whatever is the closest match.
  • raiseskill * [amount] allows raising all skills.
  • resetskill [skill] allows reseting skills.
  • redo restores an action added to the undo/redo manager.
  • resetmap [x] [z] [radius] allows hiding only a part of the map.
  • resetpins [x] [z] [radius] allows removing pins from the map.
  • resolution prints the screen properties.
  • resolution [mode] [width] [height] [refresh rate] sets the screen properties.
    • resolution exclusive: Sets to full screen with the maximum supported resolution and refresh rate.
    • resolution max: Sets to maximized window with the maximum supported resolution.
    • resolution full: Sets to full screen window with the maximum supported resolution.
    • resolution window 1920 1080: Sets to windowed with HD resolution.
  • search_id [term] [max_lines=5] allows searching the object ID list.
    • search_id wolf: Prints all object IDs that contain word "wolf".
    • search_id fx_ 10: Prints all object IDs that contain word "fx_" on up to 10 lines.
  • seed prints the world seed.
  • server [command] executes given command on the server.
    • server dev_config disable_command event: Disables usage of event command for non-root users.
    • server dev_config disable_events 1: Disables random events.
  • unbind [keycode] [amount=0] [silent] allows specifying how many binds are removed. Also prints removed binds, unless the third parameter is given.
    • unbind wheel: Removes all binds from the mouse wheel.
    • unbind wheel 0: Removes all binds from the mouse wheel.
    • unbind wheel 1: Removes the last bind from the mouse wheel.
    • unbind wheel 3: Removes the last 3 binds from the mouse wheel.
  • unbind [tag] [silent] removes all binds with a given tag. Also prints removed binds, unless the third parameter is given.
  • undo reverts an action added to the undo/redo manager.
  • wait [milliseconds]delays the execution of the next commands.
  • wind prints the current wind strength.

Enhanced map

The large map shows coordinates of the cursor when hovered. This can be useful for any commands that require coordinates.

If configured, the minimap can also show the player's coordinates.

If this mod is also installed on the server, admins can also receive position of players who have set their position as private (disabled by default).

These players are shown on the map with a ticked off icon and will also be available for the pos command.


Three ways to edit the settings:

  • Use dev_config and server dev_config commands.
  • Use the Configuration manager if installed.
  • Manually edit the server_devcommands.cfg in the config folder.


  • Access private chests (default: true, key: access_private_chests): Allows opening private chests.
  • Access warded areas (default: true, key: access_warded_areas): Allows accessing warded areas.
  • Always dodge with god mode (default: false, key: god_always_dodge): Automatically dodges with the god mode.
  • Always parry with god mode (default: false, key: god_always_parry): Automatically parries with the god mode when not blocking.
  • Automatic debug mode (default: false, key: auto_debugmode): Automatically turns debug mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled.
  • Automatic devcommands (default: true, key: auto_devcommands): Automatically tries to enable devcommands when joining servers.
  • Automatic fly mode (default: false, key: auto_fly): Automatically turns fly mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled.
  • Automatic ghost mode (default: false, key: auto_ghost): Automatically turns ghost mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled.
  • Automatic god mode (default: false, key: auto_god): Automatically turns god mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled.
  • Automatic item pick up (default: true, key: automatic_item_pick_up): Sets the default value for the automatic item pick up feature.
  • Automatic no cost mode (default: false, key: auto_nocost): Automatically turns no cost mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled.
  • Debug mode fast teleport (default: true, key: debug_fast_teleport): Makes teleporting much faster.
  • Disabled global keys (default: , key: disable_global_key): Global keys separated by , that can't be set (server side).
  • Disable no map (default: false, key: disable_no_map): Disables no map having effect.
  • Disable random events (default: false, key: disable_events): Prevents random events from happening (server side setting).
  • Disable start shout (default: false, key: disable_start_shout): Removes the initial shout message when joining the server.
  • Disable tutorials (default: false, key: disable_tutorials): Prevents the raven from appearing.
  • Disable unlock messages (default: false, key: disable_unlock_messges): Disables messages about new pieces and items.
  • Hide shout pings (default: false, key: hide_shout_pings): Forces shout pings at the world center.
  • Invisible to players with ghost mode (default: false, key: ghost_invisibility): Invisible to other players with ghost mode.
  • Max undo steps (default: 50, key: max_undo_steps): How many undo actions are stored.
  • No clip clear environment (default: true, key: no_clip_clear_environment): Removes any forced environments when the noclip is enabled. This disables any dark dungeon environments and prevents them from staying on when exiting the dungeon.
  • No clip with fly mode (default: false, key: fly_no_clip): Removes collision check with fly mode.
  • No creature drops (default: false, key: no_drops): Prevents creatures from dropping loot, can be useful if people accidentally spawn very high star creatures. Only works when as the zone owner.
  • No edge of world pull with god mode (default: true, key: god_no_edge): Removes the pull for an even godlier god mode.
  • No knockback with god mode (default: true, key: god_no_knockback): Removes knockback for an even godlier god mode.
  • No staggering with god mode (default: true, key: god_no_stagger): Removes staggering for an even godlier god mode.
  • No stamina usage with god mode (default: true, key: god_no_stamina): Removes the stamina usage for an even godlier god mode.
  • No weight limit with god mode (default: false, key: god_no_weight_limit): Removes the weight limit for an even godlier god mode.
  • Show map coordinates (default: true, key: map_coordinates): Shows cursor coordinates when hovering the map.
  • Show minimap coordinates (default: false, key: minimap_coordinates): Shows player coordinates on the minimap.
  • Show private players (default: false, key: private_players): Shows players on the map even if they have set their position as private. Must be enabled both client and server side to work (admins can individually keep the feature off even when enabled from the server).


Recommended to keep all features on, unless there are errors or mod conflicts.

  • Alias system (default: true, key: aliasing): Enables command aliasing.
  • Auto exec (key: auto_exec): Executes the given command when joining a server (before admin is checked).
  • Auto exec boot (key: auto_exec_boot): Executes the given command when starting the game.
  • Auto exec dev off (key: auto_exec_dev_off): Executes the given command when disabling devcommands.
  • Auto exec dev on (key: auto_exec_dev_off): Executes the given command when enabling devcommands.
  • Best command match (default: true, key: best_command_match): Executes only the commands with the most modifiers keys pressed. Simplifies key binding because negative modifier keys don't have to be used.
  • Command aliases: Saved command aliases.
  • Command descriptions (default: true, key: command_descriptions): Shows command descriptions as autocomplete.
  • Debug console (default: false, key: debug_console): Prints debug output to the console related to aliasing and parameter substitution.
  • Disable debug mode keys (default: false, key: disable_debug_mode_keys): Removes debug mode key bindings for killall, removedrops, fly and no cost.
  • Disable messages (default: false, key: disable_messages): Prevents messages from commands.
  • Disable parameter warnings (default: false, key: disable_warnings): Removes warning texts from some command parameter descriptions.
  • Disabled commands (default: dev_config disable_command, key: disable_command): Command names separated by , that can't be executed. Mainly useful on the server to prevent some server-side commands.
  • Fly down key (default: leftcontrol, key: fly_down_key): Changes the key command for flying down. Multiple keys are supported (see Bind section for more info).
  • Fly up key (default: space, key: fly_up_key): Changes the key command for flying up. Multiple keys are supported (see Bind section for more info).
  • Improved auto complete (default: true, key: improved_autocomplete): Enables parameter info or options for every parameter.
  • Mouse wheel bind key (default: none, key: mouse_wheel_bind_key): The simulated keycode when using the mouse wheel.
  • Multiple commands per line (default: true, key: multiple_commands): Enables multiple commands per line (when separate by ;).
  • Root users: Steam IDs separated by , that can execute blacklisted commands. Can't be set with dev_config command.
  • Substitution system (default: true, key: substitution): Enables parameter substitution (with $).
  • Server side commands (default: randomevent,stopevent,genloc,sleep,skiptime, key: server_commands): Names of commands that should be automatically executed on the server. event command is not included because it has a custom server-side support.


  • v1.25

    • Lowers teleport cooldown from 2 seconds to 0.5 seconds when debug_fast_teleport is enabled.
    • Internal change to support World Edit Commands mod.
  • v1.24

    • Adds equipped tool support to key bindings.
    • Adds build mode support to key bindings.
    • Adds a new setting disable_unlock_messages.
    • Internal change to support Infinity Hammer mod.
  • v1.23

    • Adds a new setting disable_no_map to override the nomap rule.
    • Adds a new setting hide_shout_pings to force the ping at the world center.
    • Fixes some issues with the autocomplete.
  • v1.22

    • Adds a new setting debug_fast_teleport to make all teleporting faster with the debug mode.
    • Improves the goto command to allow easier teleporting to the ground or high in the sky.
    • Adds tag support for bind (needed by some mods).
    • Changes the fly mode to stop animations and prevent crouching and jumping.
    • Improves the unbind command to directly remove binds with a tag.
    • Removes the console input character limit (too small for some commands).
    • Fixes no clip never triggering ship exit (so the ship just keeps going).
    • Fixes mouse wheel binds not overriding fly ascend/descend.
  • v1.21

    • Adds a new setting best_command_match to only execute the commands with the most modifier keys pressed (default true).
    • Fixes some commands printing "Error: Player not found.".
    • Replaces the setting mouse_wheel_binding with a new setting mouse_wheel_bind_key that instead allows settting the simulated key.
    • Fixes root users not working with the new save system.
    • Changes the guid which resets the config.

Thanks for Azumatt for creating the mod icon!


  • v1.79

    • Fixes autocomplete not working for locations (without Expand World Data mod installed).
  • v1.78

    • Fixes autocomplete not working for location clones (from Expand World Data mod).
    • Fixes error message when typoing an object name.
    • Fixes vanilla object copy not copying the rotation.
  • v1.77

    • Fixes the command recall (now internally uses tp command).
    • Fixed for the new version of the game.
  • v1.76

    • Adds a new command dmg to deal damage to players, thanks Trapaceiro!
    • Fixes the "Disable no map" setting not working.
    • Fixes the tp command not working on other players.
    • Fixes autocomplete breaking when wrapping "" was used.
  • v1.75

    • Fixes the alias and bind commands not working with multiple commands.
    • Lots of changes to support the new data system for World Edit Commands.
  • v1.74

    • Reverts the admin check change. Lovely!
  • v1.73

    • Changes the admin check to use the official admin check.
    • Fixes single selector not being able to target players or _ZoneCtrl objects (for example with Infinity Hammer).
    • Fixes some commands still being case sensitive.
    • Fixes commands without autocomplete causing an error.
  • v1.72

    • Fixes commands, this time for real.