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Marlthon-LandAnimals-0.0.8 icon


Land Animals arrived in Valheim (Brown Bear, Capybara, Fox, Ibex, Viper, Cassowary, Tortoise, KomodoDragon, AlligatorTurtle and Blue Frog) and with them new tasty meats, furs and rugs.

Date uploaded a year ago
Version 0.0.8
Download link
Downloads 9190
Dependency string Marlthon-LandAnimals-0.0.8

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202



Land Animals arrived in Valheim (Brown Bear, Capybara, Fox, Ibex, Viper, Cassowary, Tortoise, KomodoDragon, AlligatorTurtle and Blue Frog) and with them new tasty meats, furs and rugs.
Meats can be prepared in any cooking station (Vanilla).
Animals will appear in Meadows automatically, no need to install any other mods. You can modify the parameters in the LandAnimals .cgf
Only capybaras can be tamed and reproduce.

Land Animals PrefabNames

Brown Bear PrefabName: BrownBear

Capybara PrefabName: Capybara

Fox PrefabName: Fox

Ibex PrefabName: Ibex

Viper PrefabName: Viper

Cassowary PrefabName: Casuar

Tortoise PrefabName: Jabuti

BlueFrog PrefabName: BlueFrog

Meats PrefabNames

Cassowary Meat PrefabName: CasuarMeat

Roast Cassowary Meat PrefabName: CasuarMeatCook

Bear Meat PrefabName: BearMeat

Roast Bear Meat PrefabName: BearMeatCook

Capybara Meat PrefabName: CapyMeat

Capybara Meat Roast PrefabName: CapyMeatCook

Fox Meat PrefabName: FoxMeat

Fox Meat Roast PrefabName: FoxMeatCooked

Blue Frog Meat PrefabName: FrogMeat

Roast Blue Frog Meat PrefabName: FrogMeatCook

Ibex Meat PrefabName: IbexMeat

Roast Ibex Meat PrefabName: IbexMeatCook

Tortoise Meat PrefabName: TortoiseMeat

Tortoise Meat Roast PrefabName: TortoiseMeatCook

Viper Meat PrefabName: ViperMeat

Viper Meat Roast PrefabName: ViperMeatCook


My sincere thanks to the entire OdinPlus team - @Azummat - @Blaxxun's - DefendYourBase

A special thanks to my Professor @GraveBear, without his teachings and his encouragement I would never have gotten it.


Did you like my Mods? If you want to support me click on the image link below:

Any donation help me to continue creating and updating mods. Thank you very much for your support.*

Manual Install

Mod is required on Server for Config Sync (this is still in development).

Download the latest copy of Bepinex per author's instructions.

Place the LandAnimals.dll inside of the "Bepinex\plugins" folder.

For Questions or Comments find Marlthon in the Bagual Server Discord or Odin Plus Team on Discord:

BagualServer or OdinPlus

Change log


  • First version released, server sync active. (Will override player config if installed to server)


  • Fixed BrownBear attack, and animal textures.


  • Added in Mistlands KomodoDragon and AlligatorTurtle. BrownBear with more damage and more HP.


  • Fixed bug in Rugs, Modified spawn time of all creatures, decreased damage from Cassowary, fox, Capybara, Tortoise and BlueFrog.


  • Fixed bug where capybaras would not breed.


  • Only post corrections


  • Fix for Valheim Update Patch 0.211.11 (28/10/2022)


  • Fix Ruth the Viper Bug