Azumatt-AzuCraftyBoxes icon


AzuCraftyBoxes is a Valheim mod that allows players to access and use resources from nearby containers when crafting and building, based on a configurable range and item restrictions. Restrictions are controlled by the yaml file Azumatt.AzuCraftyBoxes.yml


Version Update Notes
1.2.9 - Forgot to update the descriptions of the new configuration options.
1.2.8 - Fix the flicker on the Build Info panel.
- Fix compatiblity when using AzuMiscPatches alongside this (that causes the flicker). This mod will take priority over the display.
- Add two new configurations for the color display of the amount you can build.
1.2.7 - Range limit KG ItemDrawers so you can't pull from them when outside range.
1.2.6 - Add incompatiblity with other Craft from Container type of mods. People are double installing mods with the same functionality and it makes things cost double the resources.
1.2.5 - Accept PR from KG to support his new ItemDrawers since they do not use vanilla Container components.
1.2.4 - Update for latest Valheim changes.
1.2.3 - Add back my normal filtering since AdventureBackpacks now adds a mock creator.
1.2.2 - Add compatibility with AdventureBackpacks. Since the container didn't have a creator, I had to make an exception for it. Typically the only containers without a creator are world containers, so it was skipped. Happy Crafting.
- Will probably look into making it compatible with Smoothbrain's Backpack mod soon, if it wasn't already.
1.2.1 - Remove the PullToInventory feature as this allows item duplication. This bug isn't an easy one to fix as it requires a server, multiple people (I usually test alone as no one really has the patience) and a decent amount of time. Currently, I am low on time until mid year 2024. If I manage to find a fix, it will be updated to be included again. Sorry for the inconvenience but I hope this at least stops the exploiting for now.
- If you just read that an think that it will take me until mid year 2024 to update, you're incorrect and worried for nothing. Low on time doesn't mean no time, just means my usual super fast updates aren't so super fast anymore :D
1.2.0 - Hildir Update. Not sure why? Hell, might not fix it for everyone.
- Also, change the version check to be hash check.
1.1.9 - Small temp bug workaround. Will properly fix later.
1.1.8 - Localization and other bug fixes
1.1.7 - Updates for Valheim 0.216.9.
- Bug fixes for duplication issue and a few others that were reported.
1.0.7 - Turns out, some mods just don't populate all expected things on ItemDrops. Added in more null checks and even fix some mod's issues related to the ItemDrop script. Should fix 99% of all issues with mod compatibility.
1.0.6 - Update Example.yml file to include the super awesome new features. Add a ton of comments to make even the dumbest of monkeys hopefully understand. Not that you're dumb, just's stupid simple.
- It is highly recommended that you regenerate your yml file and reconfigure it!
- You can now limit what goes into smelters, kilns, fireplaces, and cooking stations. Hopfully I didn't fuck up and the Example.yml is how everyone likes it by default.
- Hope you enjoy this update.
1.0.5 - All is normal. FPS issue fixed. Rest easy.
- Issue is caused by Therize's fancy Armory. You're never too fancy that I can't fix it.
- Special thank you to the few who rapidly tested my dlls. Zaphonia, SchwarzFenrir, and HunterAP. You're appreciated.
1.0.4 - Hotfix to attempt to reduce some lag added from the last patch. Hopefully this helps.
1.0.3 - Add quick fueling via hotkey (LeftShift + E by default) for cooking stations, fireplaces, smelters and kilns.
- Fix some errors that people can experience when using mods that do not populate the ItemDrop script appropriately based on what vanilla expects.
1.0.2 - Fix some NREs that can happen when WardIsLove is installed and you are loading into your world.
- Additionally, make pulling resources into your inventory work when building with the hammer.
- Note: Not all of the features from OdinsCraftyBoxes are in this mod yet. I am rewriting some of the patches to work better and be more performant. Bear with me.
1.0.1 - Fix some NREs
1.0.0 - Initial Release