Azumatt-AzuSigns icon


AzuSigns is a mod that allows you to configure signs size,font,color, text offset. ServerSync if you want to enforce values.


Version Update Notes
1.0.5 - Hotfix for Valheim 0.217.22
1.0.4 - Fix an error that occurs when your world has the Wooden Drawer from the mod MissingPieces built. The sign component on it is missing some things. Added null checks to prevent the issue.
1.0.3 - Remove some configuration entries (regenerate your file!)
- Fix warning that was occuring on load of the mod
- Fix one of the configuration entries being in the wrong section.
1.0.2 - Fix to new TextMeshPro shit in Valheim. Valheim Devs always keeping us on our toes.
1.0.1 - Fix a fuckup in the code.
1.0.0 - Initial Release