Azumatt-DeathPinRemoval icon


A simple mod requested by gdragon. This mod will remove the death pin from the map when the tombstone is fully looted. Optionally, prevent the creation of your death pins.


Version Update Notes
1.0.5 - Version bump for Ashlands
1.0.4 - Fix the remove pin when inventory is empty config option.
1.0.3 - Add a configuration option (On by default) that will remove the pin if the player died with an empty inventory.
1.0.2 - Update for Valheim 0.217.22
1.0.1 - Provide compatibility with mods, vanilla, etc that turn off the minimap/map. Pins in vanilla do not effectively remove themselves unless the map is open. How dumb is that? oh well.
1.0.0 - Initial Release