Azumatt-FastLink icon


Vanilla UI to quickly join servers configured in a YAML file. Live edit using BepInEx Configuration manager or directly to the file.


Version Update Notes
1.4.0 - Update against latest Valheim version.
1.3.9 - Remove my testing log I left
1.3.8 - Update for Valheim's Hildir update.
1.3.7 - No code changes, just updating the readme for Thunderstore. Mod version was bumped though, as to not cause confusion.
1.3.6 - Allow for use on GamePass
- Update some debug logging
1.3.5 - Compiled for against latest Valheim (0.214.2)
1.3.4 - Add a property to the YAML file to specify if a server is using a whitelist for players or not. This will show in the tooltip hover only.
1.3.3 - Add configuration option to hide IP address and port in the tooltip when hovering a server listing as well as in the panel. (For Streamers mainly). Thank you for the suggestion Polyminae and Lyralia!
1.3.2 - Remove Auga incompatibliity now that Randy is back and confirmed to always keep the main menu disabled in Auga.
1.3.1 - Allow turning off the sorting of the server names. This is useful if you want to keep the order of the servers in the file.
Switch to using Toggle data type for all true/false options. This allows for the use of a button in the configuration manager instead of a checkbox. (It's more appealing)
- This shouldn't cause issues with your configuration file being messed up, but might cause an overwrite of the values affected.
1.3.0 - Added YAML editor for use in the BepInEx Configuration Manager. This will allow you to edit the YAML file without having to exit the game.
1.2.2 - Add tooltip on server listing hover
- Add configuration option to change the LocalScale of the UI. Previously was 0.85, 0.85, 0.85. It is now defaulted to 1, 1, 1 just like the panel it's cloned from.
- Add configuration option to show the password in the tooltip when hovering a server listing as part of the new tooltip addition.
- Fix the UI selecting the first element by default when it loads.
1.2.1 - Fix issue with password. The password could be correct, but the server would still reject it.
1.2.0 - Add compatibility for 0.211.7
- You can specify if a server is crossplay or not. This will show the crossplay's "Shuffle" icon. Please note, this is not fully supported at this time. I am adding in anticipation of when Crossplay in Vanilla is stable.
* Updated the example file to show this. Parameter is iscrossplay: true
1.1.0 - Added ability to still prompt for the password. This is for servers that have a password but don't want to store it in the config file. Requested by ALo#8803 in my discord
- Make the GUI disappear as soon as the loading screen shows. It was bothering some people.
1.0.1 - Toggle the new Game.IsModded variable
- Fix the GUI being disabled automatically after the new patch
1.0.0 - Initial Release