Azumatt-VikingSails icon


VikingSails is a mod that allows you to change the sails of ships. You can use URLs to set the sails, or if the server forces the URL it will use that one.


Version Update Notes
1.1.2 - Update for Valheim 0.217.22
1.1.1 - Fix issues with WardIsLove compatibility
1.1.0 - Add a new configuration option to toggle showing the URL when hovering [Not Synced With Server]
- Update some code to help with claiming ownership at the wrong times. The owner of the ZNetView on the object will now make the ZDO updates. This should fix issues with the ship stopping in the middle of the ocean because "Johnny_FuckThisShip" wanted to update the sails while moving.
- Fix an issue that could occur if you are leaving the rudder or stools on the ship and are pressing your interact button slightly too long. This would make Unity's Interaction code think you also want to interact with the URL and if the server locked this value, you'd get a pretty annoying prompt. Why would Azumatt not think to fix this in the initial release? Blegh, such a shit dev. Anyways, I now check if you are holding your key down first.
1.0.0 - Initial Release