Decompiled source of Chain Manager v1.0.11


Decompiled 5 days ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using Digitalroot.Valheim.Common;
using Digitalroot.Valheim.Common.Json;
using Digitalroot.Valheim.Common.Names.Vanilla;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Jotunn.Configs;
using Jotunn.Entities;
using Jotunn.Managers;
using Jotunn.Utils;
using SimpleJson;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Digitalroot.ValheimChainManager")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Digitalroot ChainManager")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Digitalroot Technologies")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Digitalroot Valheim Mods")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Digitalroot Technologies 2021 - 2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("3ccc4dc1-5b17-47c1-b996-ca03b8639a61")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.11")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Digitalroot.Valheim.ChainManager
	[BepInPlugin("digitalroot.mods.chainmanager", "Digitalroot ChainManager", "1.0.11")]
	[BepInDependency("com.jotunn.jotunn", "2.12.4")]
	[NetworkCompatibility(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	public class Main : BaseUnityPlugin, ITraceableLogging
		public static ConfigEntry<int> NexusId;

		public static Main Instance;

		public const string Version = "1.0.11";

		public const string Name = "Digitalroot ChainManager";

		public const string Guid = "digitalroot.mods.chainmanager";

		public const string Namespace = "Digitalroot.ValheimChainManager";

		public string Source => "Digitalroot.ValheimChainManager";

		public bool EnableTrace { get; }

		public Main()
			Instance = this;
			EnableTrace = false;
			Log.Trace(Instance, "Digitalroot.ValheimChainManager." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()?.DeclaringType?.Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()?.Name);

		private void Awake()
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0092: Expected O, but got Unknown
				Log.Trace(Instance, "Digitalroot.ValheimChainManager." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()?.DeclaringType?.Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()?.Name);
				NexusId = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("General", "NexusID", 2605, new ConfigDescription("Nexus mod ID for updates", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { (object)new ConfigurationManagerAttributes
					Browsable = false,
					ReadOnly = true
				} }));
				PrefabManager.OnVanillaPrefabsAvailable += OnVanillaPrefabsAvailable;
			catch (Exception e)
				Log.Error(Instance, e);

		private void OnVanillaPrefabsAvailable()
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0064: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			PrefabManager.OnVanillaPrefabsAvailable -= OnVanillaPrefabsAvailable;
			RecipeConfig val = new RecipeConfig();
			val.CraftingStation = CraftingStationNames.Forge;
			val.Name = "CraftableChainRecipe";
			val.Item = ItemDropNames.Chain;
			val.Amount = 1;
			val.Enabled = true;
			val.MinStationLevel = 0;
			val.Requirements = (RequirementConfig[])(object)new RequirementConfig[1]
				new RequirementConfig(ItemDropNames.Iron, 2, 0, false)
			RecipeConfig val2 = val;
			ItemManager.Instance.AddRecipe(new CustomRecipe(val2));
namespace Digitalroot.Valheim.Common
	internal interface ITraceableLogging
		string Source { get; }

		bool EnableTrace { get; }
	internal sealed class Log
		private static readonly Dictionary<string, TraceLogger> TraceLoggers;

		private static Log Instance { get; }

		static Log()
			TraceLoggers = new Dictionary<string, TraceLogger>();
			Instance = new Log();

		private Log()
			TraceLoggers.Add("Digitalroot", new TraceLogger("Digitalroot", enableTrace: false));

		public static void RegisterSource(ITraceableLogging sender)
			if ((!TraceLoggers.ContainsKey(sender.Source) || TraceLoggers[sender.Source].IsTraceEnabled != sender.EnableTrace) && (!TraceLoggers.ContainsKey(sender.Source) || sender.EnableTrace))
				if (TraceLoggers.ContainsKey(sender.Source) && sender.EnableTrace)
					TraceLoggers.Add(sender.Source, new TraceLogger(sender.Source, sender.EnableTrace));

		private static TraceLogger GetTraceLogger(ITraceableLogging sender)
			if (!TraceLoggers.ContainsKey(sender.Source))
				return TraceLoggers["Digitalroot"];
			return TraceLoggers[sender.Source];

		public static void SetEnableTrace(ITraceableLogging sender, bool value)
			if (value)

		public static void SetEnableTraceForAllLoggers(bool value)
			foreach (TraceLogger value2 in TraceLoggers.Values)
				if (value)

		public static void Debug(ITraceableLogging sender, object value)

		public static void Error(ITraceableLogging sender, Exception e, int i = 1)
			Error(sender, "Message: " + e.Message);
			Error(sender, $"TargetSite: {e.TargetSite}");
			Error(sender, "StackTrace: " + e.StackTrace);
			Error(sender, "Source: " + e.Source);
			if (e.Data.Count > 0)
				foreach (object key in e.Data.Keys)
					Error(sender, $"key: {key}, value: {e.Data[key]}");
			if (e.InnerException != null)
				Error(sender, $"--- InnerException [{i}][Start] ---");
				Error(sender, e.InnerException, ++i);

		public static void Error(ITraceableLogging sender, object value)

		public static void Info(ITraceableLogging sender, object value)

		public static void Fatal(ITraceableLogging sender, Exception e, int i = 1)
			Fatal(sender, "Message: " + e.Message);
			Fatal(sender, $"TargetSite: {e.TargetSite}");
			Fatal(sender, "StackTrace: " + e.StackTrace);
			Fatal(sender, "Source: " + e.Source);
			if (e.Data.Count > 0)
				foreach (object key in e.Data.Keys)
					Fatal(sender, $"key: {key}, value: {e.Data[key]}");
			if (e.InnerException != null)
				Fatal(sender, $"--- InnerException [{i}][Start] ---");
				Fatal(sender, e.InnerException, ++i);

		public static void Fatal(ITraceableLogging sender, object value)

		public static void Message(ITraceableLogging sender, object value)

		public static void Trace(ITraceableLogging sender, object value)
			if (GetTraceLogger(sender).IsTraceEnabled || sender.EnableTrace)
				GetTraceLogger(sender).LoggerRef.Log((LogLevel)63, value);

		public static void Warning(ITraceableLogging sender, object value)
	internal class TraceLogger
		internal readonly ManualLogSource LoggerRef;

		private readonly string _source;

		private readonly FileInfo _traceFileInfo;

		public bool IsTraceEnabled { get; private set; }

		private DirectoryInfo AssemblyDirectory => new FileInfo(Uri.UnescapeDataString(new UriBuilder(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).Path)).Directory;

		public TraceLogger(string source, bool enableTrace)
			_source = source;
			IsTraceEnabled = enableTrace;
			LoggerRef = Logger.CreateLogSource(_source);
			_traceFileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Paths.BepInExRootPath ?? AssemblyDirectory.FullName, "logs", _source + ".Trace.log"));
			if (_traceFileInfo.DirectoryName != null)
			if (_traceFileInfo.Exists)
			LoggerRef.LogEvent += OnLogEvent;

		public void EnableTrace()
			IsTraceEnabled = true;

		public void DisableTrace()
			IsTraceEnabled = false;

		public void StopTrace()
			LoggerRef.LogEvent -= OnLogEvent;

		private void OnLogEvent(object sender, LogEventArgs e)
			//IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (e.Source.SourceName != _source || !IsTraceEnabled)
			using Mutex mutex = new Mutex(initiallyOwned: false, "Digitalroot.Valheim.Common.TraceLogger." + _source);
				if (e.Data is string)
					string contents = $"[{e.Level,-7}:{e.Source.SourceName,10}] {e.Data}{Environment.NewLine}";
					File.AppendAllText(_traceFileInfo.FullName, contents, Encoding.UTF8);
					string contents2 = $"[{e.Level,-7}:{e.Source.SourceName,10}] {JsonSerializationProvider.Serialize(e.Data)}{Environment.NewLine}";
					File.AppendAllText(_traceFileInfo.FullName, contents2, Encoding.UTF8);
namespace Digitalroot.Valheim.Common.Json
	internal static class JsonSerializationProvider
		[Obsolete("Use Deserialize<T>()")]
		public static T FromJson<T>(string json)
			return Deserialize<T>(json);

		public static T Deserialize<T>(string json)
			return SimpleJson.DeserializeObject<T>(json, (IJsonSerializerStrategy)(object)new DigitalrootJsonSerializerStrategy());

		[Obsolete("Use Serialize()")]
		public static string ToJson(object obj, bool pretty = false)
			return Serialize(obj);

		public static string Serialize(object obj)
			return SimpleJson.SerializeObject(obj, (IJsonSerializerStrategy)(object)new DigitalrootJsonSerializerStrategy());
	internal class DigitalrootJsonSerializerStrategy : PocoJsonSerializerStrategy
		public override bool TrySerializeNonPrimitiveObject(object input, out object output)
			//IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!(input is Vector3 val))
				if (input is Quaternion val2)
					output = new float[4] { val2.x, val2.y, val2.z, val2.w };
					return true;
				return ((PocoJsonSerializerStrategy)this).TrySerializeNonPrimitiveObject(input, ref output);
			output = new float[3] { val.x, val.y, val.z };
			return true;

		public override object DeserializeObject(object value, Type type)
			//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0102: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (type == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
			if (value == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
			if (value is string value2)
				if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value2))
					throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
				if (type == typeof(Vector3))
					if (!(((PocoJsonSerializerStrategy)this).DeserializeObject(value, typeof(float[])) is float[] array) || (array != null && array.Length != 3))
						throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The value '{0}' can be converted to a {1}.", value, "Vector3"), "value");
					return (object)new Vector3(array[0], array[1], array[2]);
				if (type == typeof(Quaternion))
					if (!(((PocoJsonSerializerStrategy)this).DeserializeObject(value, typeof(float[])) is float[] array2) || (array2 != null && array2.Length != 4))
						throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The value '{0}' can be converted to a {1}.", value, "Quaternion"), "value");
					return (object)new Quaternion(array2[0], array2[1], array2[2], array2[3]);
				return ((PocoJsonSerializerStrategy)this).DeserializeObject(value, type);
			throw new ArgumentException($"The value '{value}' can be converted to a {type.Name}.", "value");
namespace Digitalroot.Valheim.Common.Names.Vanilla
	internal static class CraftingStationNames
		public static readonly IEnumerable<string> AllNames = Utils.AllNames(typeof(CraftingStationNames));

		public static readonly string ArtisanTable = PrefabNames.PieceArtisanstation;

		public static readonly string Blackforge = PrefabNames.Blackforge;

		public static readonly string Cauldron = PrefabNames.PieceCauldron;

		public static readonly string Forge = PrefabNames.Forge;

		public static readonly string MageTable = PrefabNames.PieceMagetable;

		public static readonly string Stonecutter = PrefabNames.PieceStonecutter;

		public static readonly string Workbench = PrefabNames.PieceWorkbench;
namespace Digitalroot.Valheim.Common
	internal static class Utils
		private static readonly ITraceableLogging Logger = GetLogger();

		public static DirectoryInfo AssemblyDirectory => new FileInfo(Uri.UnescapeDataString(new UriBuilder(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).Path)).Directory;

		public static bool IsDedicated => ZNet.instance.IsDedicated();

		public static bool IsServer => ZNet.instance.IsServer();

		public static bool IsRunningFromNUnit => AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Any((Assembly a) => a.FullName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("nunit.framework"));

		public static string Namespace => "Digitalroot.Valheim.Common";

		private static ITraceableLogging GetLogger()
			return new StaticSourceLogger();

		public static bool IsHeadless()
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0006: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			return (int)SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == 4;

		public static List<T> AllOf<T>()
			return Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).OfType<T>().ToList();

		public static IEnumerable<string> AllNames(Type type)
			foreach (FieldInfo item in from f1 in type.GetFields()
				where f1.FieldType == typeof(string)
				select f1)
				yield return item.GetValue(null).ToString();

		public static bool DoesPluginExist(string pluginGuid)
			return Chainloader.PluginInfos.Any((KeyValuePair<string, PluginInfo> keyValuePair) => keyValuePair.Value.Metadata.GUID == pluginGuid);

		public static Vector3 GetGroundHeight(int x, int z)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return Utils.GetGroundHeight(new Vector3Int(x, 500, z));

		public static Vector3 GetGroundHeight(float x, float z)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return Utils.GetGroundHeight(new Vector3(x, 500f, z));

		public static Vector3 GetGroundHeight(Vector3Int vector3)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return new Vector3((float)((Vector3Int)(ref vector3)).x, ZoneSystem.instance.GetGroundHeight(Vector3Int.op_Implicit(vector3)), (float)((Vector3Int)(ref vector3)).z);

		public static Vector3 GetGroundHeight(Vector3 vector3)
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return new Vector3(vector3.x, ZoneSystem.instance.GetGroundHeight(vector3), vector3.z);

		public static GameObject GetItemPrefab(string itemName)
			if (!IsObjectDBReady())
				return null;
			return GetObjectDB().GetItemPrefab(itemName);

		public static GameObject GetItemPrefab(int hash)
			if (!IsObjectDBReady())
				return null;
			return GetObjectDB().GetItemPrefab(hash);

		public static Player GetLocalPlayer()
			return Player.m_localPlayer;

		public static Vector3 GetLocalPlayersPosition()
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ((Component)Player.m_localPlayer).transform.position;

		public static ObjectDB GetObjectDB()
			return ObjectDB.instance;

		public static string GetPluginPath(Type modPluginType)
			return Path.GetDirectoryName(modPluginType.Assembly.Location);

		public static GameObject GetPrefab(string itemName)
			if (!IsZNetSceneReady())
				return null;
			return ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(itemName);

		public static GameObject GetPrefab(int hash)
			if (!IsZNetSceneReady())
				return null;
			return ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(hash);

		public static T GetPrivateField<T>(object instance, string name)
			FieldInfo field = instance.GetType().GetField(name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			if (field != null)
				return (T)field.GetValue(instance);
			Log.Error(Logger, "Variable " + name + " does not exist on type: " + instance.GetType());
			return default(T);

		public static object InvokePrivate(object instance, string name, object[] args = null)
			MethodInfo method = instance.GetType().GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			if (method == null)
				Type[] types = ((args == null) ? Type.EmptyTypes : args.Select((object arg) => arg.GetType()).ToArray());
				method = instance.GetType().GetMethod(name, types);
			if (method == null)
				Log.Error(Logger, "Method " + name + " does not exist on type: " + instance.GetType());
				return null;
			return method.Invoke(instance, args);

		public static bool IsGameInMainScene()
			return (Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance != (Object)null;

		public static bool IsObjectDBReady()
			if (!((Object)(object)GetObjectDB() != (Object)null) || GetObjectDB().m_items.Count == 0 || !((Object)(object)GetItemPrefab("Amber") != (Object)null))
				return IsRunningFromNUnit;
			return true;

		public static bool IsPlayerReady()
			return (Object)(object)GetLocalPlayer() != (Object)null;

		public static bool IsZNetSceneReady()
			if ((Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance != (Object)null)
				List<GameObject> list = ZNetScene.instance?.m_prefabs;
				if (list != null)
					return list.Count > 0;
				return false;
			return false;

		public static bool IsZNetReady()
			return (Object)(object)ZNet.instance != (Object)null;

		public static string Localize(string value)
			return Localization.instance.Localize(value);

		public static Vector3 GetStartTemplesPosition()
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			LocationInstance val = default(LocationInstance);
			if (ZoneSystem.instance.FindClosestLocation("StartTemple",, ref val))
				Log.Trace(Logger, $"[GetStartTemplesPosition] StartTemple at {val.m_position}");
				return val.m_position;
			Log.Error(Logger, "[GetStartTemplesPosition] Can't find StartTemple");

		public static void SetPrivateField(object instance, string name, object value)
			FieldInfo field = instance.GetType().GetField(name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			if (field == null)
				Log.Error(Logger, "Variable " + name + " does not exist on type: " + instance.GetType());
				field.SetValue(instance, value);

		public static GameObject Spawn([NotNull] string prefabName, Vector3 location, [CanBeNull] Transform parent = null)
			//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Log.Trace(Logger, $"{Namespace}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType?.Name}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}({prefabName}, {location}, {((parent != null) ? ((Object)parent).name : null)})");
			GameObject itemPrefab = ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab(StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode(prefabName));
			if (!((Object)(object)itemPrefab == (Object)null))
				return Spawn(itemPrefab, location, parent);
			return null;

		public static GameObject Spawn([NotNull] GameObject prefab, Vector3 location, [CanBeNull] Transform parent = null)
			//IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Log.Trace(Logger, $"{Namespace}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType?.Name}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}({((Object)prefab).name}, {location}, {((parent != null) ? ((Object)parent).name : null)})");
			if ((Object)(object)parent == (Object)null)
				return Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(prefab, location, Quaternion.identity);
			return Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(prefab, location, Quaternion.identity, parent);

		public static AssetBundle LoadAssetBundleFromResources(string bundleName, Assembly resourceAssembly)
			if (resourceAssembly == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceAssembly");
			string text = null;
				text = resourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single((string str) => str.EndsWith(bundleName));
			catch (Exception)
			if (text == null)
				Log.Error(Logger, "AssetBundle " + bundleName + " not found in assembly manifest");
				return null;
			using Stream stream = resourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(text);
			return AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(stream);
namespace Digitalroot.Valheim.Common.Names.Vanilla
	internal static class PrefabNames
		public static readonly IEnumerable<string> AllNames = Utils.AllNames(typeof(PrefabNames));

		public static readonly string EventzoneBossBase = "_eventzone_boss_base";

		public static readonly string TerrainCompiler = "_TerrainCompiler";

		public static readonly string ZoneCtrl = "_ZoneCtrl";

		public static readonly string AbandonedLogCabin02 = "AbandonedLogCabin02";

		public static readonly string AbandonedLogCabin03 = "AbandonedLogCabin03";

		public static readonly string AbandonedLogCabin04 = "AbandonedLogCabin04";

		public static readonly string Abomination = "Abomination";

		public static readonly string AbominationAttack1 = "Abomination_attack1";

		public static readonly string AbominationAttack2 = "Abomination_attack2";

		public static readonly string AbominationAttack3 = "Abomination_attack3";

		public static readonly string AbominationRagdoll = "Abomination_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string Acorn = "Acorn";

		public static readonly string Amber = "Amber";

		public static readonly string AmberPearl = "AmberPearl";

		public static readonly string AncientSkull = "ancient_skull";

		public static readonly string AncientbarkspearProjectile = "ancientbarkspear_projectile";

		public static readonly string AncientSeed = "AncientSeed";

		public static readonly string AoeNova = "aoe_nova";

		public static readonly string ArbalestProjectileBlackmetal = "arbalest_projectile_blackmetal";

		public static readonly string ArbalestProjectileBone = "arbalest_projectile_bone";

		public static readonly string ArbalestProjectileCarapace = "arbalest_projectile_carapace";

		public static readonly string ArmorBronzeChest = "ArmorBronzeChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorBronzeLegs = "ArmorBronzeLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorCarapaceChest = "ArmorCarapaceChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorCarapaceLegs = "ArmorCarapaceLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress1 = "ArmorDress1";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress10 = "ArmorDress10";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress2 = "ArmorDress2";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress3 = "ArmorDress3";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress4 = "ArmorDress4";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress5 = "ArmorDress5";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress6 = "ArmorDress6";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress7 = "ArmorDress7";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress8 = "ArmorDress8";

		public static readonly string ArmorDress9 = "ArmorDress9";

		public static readonly string ArmorFenringChest = "ArmorFenringChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorFenringLegs = "ArmorFenringLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorIronChest = "ArmorIronChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorIronLegs = "ArmorIronLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorLeatherChest = "ArmorLeatherChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorLeatherLegs = "ArmorLeatherLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorMageChest = "ArmorMageChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorMageLegs = "ArmorMageLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorPaddedCuirass = "ArmorPaddedCuirass";

		public static readonly string ArmorPaddedGreaves = "ArmorPaddedGreaves";

		public static readonly string ArmorRagsChest = "ArmorRagsChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorRagsLegs = "ArmorRagsLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorRootChest = "ArmorRootChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorRootLegs = "ArmorRootLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorStand = "ArmorStand";

		public static readonly string ArmorStandFemale = "ArmorStand_Female";

		public static readonly string ArmorStandMale = "ArmorStand_Male";

		public static readonly string ArmorTrollLeatherChest = "ArmorTrollLeatherChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorTrollLeatherLegs = "ArmorTrollLeatherLegs";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic1 = "ArmorTunic1";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic10 = "ArmorTunic10";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic2 = "ArmorTunic2";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic3 = "ArmorTunic3";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic4 = "ArmorTunic4";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic5 = "ArmorTunic5";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic6 = "ArmorTunic6";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic7 = "ArmorTunic7";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic8 = "ArmorTunic8";

		public static readonly string ArmorTunic9 = "ArmorTunic9";

		public static readonly string ArmorWolfChest = "ArmorWolfChest";

		public static readonly string ArmorWolfLegs = "ArmorWolfLegs";

		public static readonly string ArrowBronze = "ArrowBronze";

		public static readonly string ArrowCarapace = "ArrowCarapace";

		public static readonly string ArrowFire = "ArrowFire";

		public static readonly string ArrowFlint = "ArrowFlint";

		public static readonly string ArrowFrost = "ArrowFrost";

		public static readonly string ArrowIron = "ArrowIron";

		public static readonly string ArrowNeedle = "ArrowNeedle";

		public static readonly string ArrowObsidian = "ArrowObsidian";

		public static readonly string ArrowPoison = "ArrowPoison";

		public static readonly string ArrowSilver = "ArrowSilver";

		public static readonly string ArrowWood = "ArrowWood";

		public static readonly string AtgeirBlackmetal = "AtgeirBlackmetal";

		public static readonly string AtgeirBronze = "AtgeirBronze";

		public static readonly string AtgeirHimminAfl = "AtgeirHimminAfl";

		public static readonly string AtgeirIron = "AtgeirIron";

		public static readonly string AxeBlackMetal = "AxeBlackMetal";

		public static readonly string AxeBronze = "AxeBronze";

		public static readonly string AxeFlint = "AxeFlint";

		public static readonly string AxeIron = "AxeIron";

		public static readonly string AxeJotunBane = "AxeJotunBane";

		public static readonly string AxeStone = "AxeStone";

		public static readonly string BarberKit = "BarberKit";

		public static readonly string Barley = "Barley";

		public static readonly string BarleyFlour = "BarleyFlour";

		public static readonly string BarleyWine = "BarleyWine";

		public static readonly string BarleyWineBase = "BarleyWineBase";

		public static readonly string Barrell = "barrell";

		public static readonly string Bat = "Bat";

		public static readonly string BatMelee = "bat_melee";

		public static readonly string Battleaxe = "Battleaxe";

		public static readonly string BattleaxeCrystal = "BattleaxeCrystal";

		public static readonly string Bed = "bed";

		public static readonly string BeeAoe = "bee_aoe";

		public static readonly string BeechLog = "beech_log";

		public static readonly string BeechLogHalf = "beech_log_half";

		public static readonly string BeechSapling = "Beech_Sapling";

		public static readonly string BeechSmall1 = "Beech_small1";

		public static readonly string BeechSmall2 = "Beech_small2";

		public static readonly string BeechStub = "Beech_Stub";

		public static readonly string Beech1 = "Beech1";

		public static readonly string BeechSeeds = "BeechSeeds";

		public static readonly string Beehive = "Beehive";

		public static readonly string BeltStrength = "BeltStrength";

		public static readonly string Bilebag = "Bilebag";

		public static readonly string BilebombExplosion = "bilebomb_explosion";

		public static readonly string BilebombProjectile = "bilebomb_projectile";

		public static readonly string BirchLog = "Birch_log";

		public static readonly string BirchLogHalf = "Birch_log_half";

		public static readonly string BirchSapling = "Birch_Sapling";

		public static readonly string Birch1 = "Birch1";

		public static readonly string Birch1Aut = "Birch1_aut";

		public static readonly string Birch2 = "Birch2";

		public static readonly string Birch2Aut = "Birch2_aut";

		public static readonly string BirchSeeds = "BirchSeeds";

		public static readonly string BirchStub = "BirchStub";

		public static readonly string BlackCore = "BlackCore";

		public static readonly string BlackForestLocationMusic = "BlackForestLocationMusic";

		public static readonly string Blackforge = "blackforge";

		public static readonly string BlackforgeExt1 = "blackforge_ext1";

		public static readonly string BlackforgeExt2Vise = "blackforge_ext2_vise";

		public static readonly string BlackMarble = "BlackMarble";

		public static readonly string Blackmarble1X1 = "blackmarble_1x1";

		public static readonly string Blackmarble2X1X1 = "blackmarble_2x1x1";

		public static readonly string Blackmarble2X2Enforced = "blackmarble_2x2_enforced";

		public static readonly string Blackmarble2X2X1 = "blackmarble_2x2x1";

		public static readonly string Blackmarble2X2X2 = "blackmarble_2x2x2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleAltarCrystal = "blackmarble_altar_crystal";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleAltarCrystalBroken = "blackmarble_altar_crystal_broken";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleArch = "blackmarble_arch";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleBase1 = "blackmarble_base_1";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleBase2 = "blackmarble_base_2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleBasecorner = "blackmarble_basecorner";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleColumn1 = "blackmarble_column_1";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleColumn2 = "blackmarble_column_2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleColumn3 = "blackmarble_column_3";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleCreep4X1X1 = "blackmarble_creep_4x1x1";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleCreep4X2X1 = "blackmarble_creep_4x2x1";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleCreepSlopeInverted1X1X2 = "blackmarble_creep_slope_inverted_1x1x2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleCreepSlopeInverted2X2X1 = "blackmarble_creep_slope_inverted_2x2x1";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleCreepStair = "blackmarble_creep_stair";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleFloor = "blackmarble_floor";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleFloorLarge = "blackmarble_floor_large";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleFloorTriangle = "blackmarble_floor_triangle";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleHeadBig01 = "blackmarble_head_big01";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleHeadBig02 = "blackmarble_head_big02";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleHead01 = "blackmarble_head01";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleHead02 = "blackmarble_head02";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleOut1 = "blackmarble_out_1";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleOut2 = "blackmarble_out_2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleOutcorner = "blackmarble_outcorner";

		public static readonly string BlackmarblePile = "blackmarble_pile";

		public static readonly string BlackmarblePost01 = "blackmarble_post01";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleSlope1X2 = "blackmarble_slope_1x2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleSlopeInverted1X2 = "blackmarble_slope_inverted_1x2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleStair = "blackmarble_stair";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleStairCorner = "blackmarble_stair_corner";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleStairCornerLeft = "blackmarble_stair_corner_left";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleTileFloor1X1 = "blackmarble_tile_floor_1x1";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleTileFloor2X2 = "blackmarble_tile_floor_2x2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleTileWall1X1 = "blackmarble_tile_wall_1x1";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleTileWall2X2 = "blackmarble_tile_wall_2x2";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleTileWall2X4 = "blackmarble_tile_wall_2x4";

		public static readonly string BlackmarbleTip = "blackmarble_tip";

		public static readonly string BlackMetal = "BlackMetal";

		public static readonly string BlackMetalScrap = "BlackMetalScrap";

		public static readonly string BlackSoup = "BlackSoup";

		public static readonly string Blastfurnace = "blastfurnace";

		public static readonly string Blob = "Blob";

		public static readonly string BlobAoe = "blob_aoe";

		public static readonly string BlobElite = "BlobElite";

		public static readonly string BlobTar = "BlobTar";

		public static readonly string BlobtarProjectileTarball = "blobtar_projectile_tarball";

		public static readonly string Bloodbag = "Bloodbag";

		public static readonly string BloodPudding = "BloodPudding";

		public static readonly string Blueberries = "Blueberries";

		public static readonly string BlueberryBush = "BlueberryBush";

		public static readonly string Boar = "Boar";

		public static readonly string BoarPiggy = "Boar_piggy";

		public static readonly string BoarRagdoll = "boar_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string BoarJerky = "BoarJerky";

		public static readonly string BoltBlackmetal = "BoltBlackmetal";

		public static readonly string BoltBone = "BoltBone";

		public static readonly string BoltCarapace = "BoltCarapace";

		public static readonly string BoltIron = "BoltIron";

		public static readonly string BombBile = "BombBile";

		public static readonly string BombOoze = "BombOoze";

		public static readonly string BoneFragments = "BoneFragments";

		public static readonly string Bonemass = "Bonemass";

		public static readonly string Bonemass2 = "Bonemass";

		public static readonly string BonemassAoe = "bonemass_aoe";

		public static readonly string BonemassThrowProjectile = "bonemass_throw_projectile";

		public static readonly string BonePileSpawner = "BonePileSpawner";

		public static readonly string Bonfire = "bonfire";

		public static readonly string BossStoneBonemass = "BossStone_Bonemass";

		public static readonly string BossStoneDragonQueen = "BossStone_DragonQueen";

		public static readonly string BossStoneEikthyr = "BossStone_Eikthyr";

		public static readonly string BossStoneTheElder = "BossStone_TheElder";

		public static readonly string BossStoneTheQueen = "BossStone_TheQueen";

		public static readonly string BossStoneYagluth = "BossStone_Yagluth";

		public static readonly string Bow = "Bow";

		public static readonly string BowProjectile = "bow_projectile";

		public static readonly string BowProjectileCarapace = "bow_projectile_carapace";

		public static readonly string BowProjectileFire = "bow_projectile_fire";

		public static readonly string BowProjectileFrost = "bow_projectile_frost";

		public static readonly string BowProjectileNeedle = "bow_projectile_needle";

		public static readonly string BowProjectilePoison = "bow_projectile_poison";

		public static readonly string BowDraugrFang = "BowDraugrFang";

		public static readonly string BowFineWood = "BowFineWood";

		public static readonly string BowHuntsman = "BowHuntsman";

		public static readonly string BowSpineSnap = "BowSpineSnap";

		public static readonly string Bread = "Bread";

		public static readonly string BreadDough = "BreadDough";

		public static readonly string Bronze = "Bronze";

		public static readonly string BronzeNails = "BronzeNails";

		public static readonly string BronzeScrap = "BronzeScrap";

		public static readonly string BronzespearProjectile = "bronzespear_projectile";

		public static readonly string Bucket = "bucket";

		public static readonly string BugMeat = "BugMeat";

		public static readonly string Bush01 = "Bush01";

		public static readonly string Bush01Heath = "Bush01_heath";

		public static readonly string Bush02En = "Bush02_en";

		public static readonly string CapeDeerHide = "CapeDeerHide";

		public static readonly string CapeFeather = "CapeFeather";

		public static readonly string CapeLinen = "CapeLinen";

		public static readonly string CapeLox = "CapeLox";

		public static readonly string CapeOdin = "CapeOdin";

		public static readonly string CapeTest = "CapeTest";

		public static readonly string CapeTrollHide = "CapeTrollHide";

		public static readonly string CapeWolf = "CapeWolf";

		public static readonly string Carapace = "Carapace";

		public static readonly string CargoCrate = "CargoCrate";

		public static readonly string Carrot = "Carrot";

		public static readonly string CarrotSeeds = "CarrotSeeds";

		public static readonly string CarrotSoup = "CarrotSoup";

		public static readonly string Cart = "Cart";

		public static readonly string CastleKitBraidedBox01 = "CastleKit_braided_box01";

		public static readonly string CastleKitBrazier = "CastleKit_brazier";

		public static readonly string CastleKitGroundtorch = "CastleKit_groundtorch";

		public static readonly string CastleKitGroundtorchBlue = "CastleKit_groundtorch_blue";

		public static readonly string CastleKitGroundtorchGreen = "CastleKit_groundtorch_green";

		public static readonly string CastleKitGroundtorchUnlit = "CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit";

		public static readonly string CastleKitMetalGroundtorchUnlit = "CastleKit_metal_groundtorch_unlit";

		public static readonly string CastleKitPot03 = "CastleKit_pot03";

		public static readonly string CauldronExt1Spice = "cauldron_ext1_spice";

		public static readonly string CauldronExt3Butchertable = "cauldron_ext3_butchertable";

		public static readonly string CauldronExt4Pots = "cauldron_ext4_pots";

		public static readonly string CauldronExt5Mortarandpestle = "cauldron_ext5_mortarandpestle";

		public static readonly string CaverockIcePillarWall = "caverock_ice_pillar_wall";

		public static readonly string CaverockIceStalagmite = "caverock_ice_stalagmite";

		public static readonly string CaverockIceStalagmiteBroken = "caverock_ice_stalagmite_broken";

		public static readonly string CaverockIceStalagmiteDestruction = "caverock_ice_stalagmite_destruction";

		public static readonly string CaverockIceStalagtite = "caverock_ice_stalagtite";

		public static readonly string CaverockIceStalagtiteDestruction = "caverock_ice_stalagtite_destruction";

		public static readonly string CaverockIceStalagtiteFalling = "caverock_ice_stalagtite_falling";

		public static readonly string CaverockIceWallDestruction = "caverock_ice_wall_destruction";

		public static readonly string Chain = "Chain";

		public static readonly string CharcoalKiln = "charcoal_kiln";

		public static readonly string Chest = "Chest";

		public static readonly string ChestHildir1 = "chest_hildir1";

		public static readonly string ChestHildir2 = "chest_hildir2";

		public static readonly string ChestHildir3 = "chest_hildir3";

		public static readonly string Chicken = "Chicken";

		public static readonly string ChickenEgg = "ChickenEgg";

		public static readonly string ChickenMeat = "ChickenMeat";

		public static readonly string Chitin = "Chitin";

		public static readonly string CliffMistlands1 = "cliff_mistlands1";

		public static readonly string CliffMistlands1Creep = "cliff_mistlands1_creep";

		public static readonly string CliffMistlands1CreepFrac = "cliff_mistlands1_creep_frac";

		public static readonly string CliffMistlands1Frac = "cliff_mistlands1_frac";

		public static readonly string CliffMistlands2 = "cliff_mistlands2";

		public static readonly string CliffMistlands2Frac = "cliff_mistlands2_frac";

		public static readonly string ClothHangingDoor = "cloth_hanging_door";

		public static readonly string ClothHangingDoorDouble = "cloth_hanging_door_double";

		public static readonly string ClothHangingLong = "cloth_hanging_long";

		public static readonly string Cloudberry = "Cloudberry";

		public static readonly string CloudberryBush = "CloudberryBush";

		public static readonly string Club = "Club";

		public static readonly string Coal = "Coal";

		public static readonly string CoalPile = "coal_pile";

		public static readonly string Coins = "Coins";

		public static readonly string CookedBugMeat = "CookedBugMeat";

		public static readonly string CookedChickenMeat = "CookedChickenMeat";

		public static readonly string CookedDeerMeat = "CookedDeerMeat";

		public static readonly string CookedEgg = "CookedEgg";

		public static readonly string CookedHareMeat = "CookedHareMeat";

		public static readonly string CookedLoxMeat = "CookedLoxMeat";

		public static readonly string CookedMeat = "CookedMeat";

		public static readonly string CookedWolfMeat = "CookedWolfMeat";

		public static readonly string Copper = "Copper";

		public static readonly string CopperOre = "CopperOre";

		public static readonly string CopperScrap = "CopperScrap";

		public static readonly string CreepPropEggHanging01 = "CreepProp_egg_hanging01";

		public static readonly string CreepPropEggHanging02 = "CreepProp_egg_hanging02";

		public static readonly string CreepPropEntrance1 = "CreepProp_entrance1";

		public static readonly string CreepPropEntrance2 = "CreepProp_entrance2";

		public static readonly string CreepPropHanging01 = "CreepProp_hanging01";

		public static readonly string CreepPropWall01 = "CreepProp_wall01";

		public static readonly string CrossbowArbalest = "CrossbowArbalest";

		public static readonly string Crow = "Crow";

		public static readonly string CryptSkeletonChest = "crypt_skeleton_chest";

		public static readonly string Crypt2 = "Crypt2";

		public static readonly string Crypt3 = "Crypt3";

		public static readonly string Crypt4 = "Crypt4";

		public static readonly string CryptKey = "CryptKey";

		public static readonly string Crystal = "Crystal";

		public static readonly string CrystalWall1X1 = "crystal_wall_1x1";

		public static readonly string Cultivate = "cultivate";

		public static readonly string Cultivator = "Cultivator";

		public static readonly string Dandelion = "Dandelion";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodArch = "darkwood_arch";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodBeam = "darkwood_beam";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodBeam26 = "darkwood_beam_26";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodBeam45 = "darkwood_beam_45";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodBeam4X4 = "darkwood_beam4x4";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodDecowall = "darkwood_decowall";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodGate = "darkwood_gate";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodPole = "darkwood_pole";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodPole4 = "darkwood_pole4";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRaven = "darkwood_raven";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRoof = "darkwood_roof";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRoof45 = "darkwood_roof_45";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRoofIcorner = "darkwood_roof_icorner";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRoofIcorner45 = "darkwood_roof_icorner_45";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRoofOcorner = "darkwood_roof_ocorner";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRoofOcorner45 = "darkwood_roof_ocorner_45";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRoofTop = "darkwood_roof_top";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodRoofTop45 = "darkwood_roof_top_45";

		public static readonly string DarkwoodWolf = "darkwood_wolf";

		public static readonly string DeadDeer = "dead_deer";

		public static readonly string Deathsquito = "Deathsquito";

		public static readonly string DeathsquitoSting = "Deathsquito_sting";

		public static readonly string Deer = "Deer";

		public static readonly string DeerRagdoll = "deer_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string DeerGodExplosion = "DeerGodExplosion";

		public static readonly string DeerHide = "DeerHide";

		public static readonly string DeerMeat = "DeerMeat";

		public static readonly string DeerStew = "DeerStew";

		public static readonly string Demister = "Demister";

		public static readonly string DemisterBall = "demister_ball";

		public static readonly string DevFloor1 = "DevFloor1";

		public static readonly string DevGround1 = "DevGround1";

		public static readonly string DevGround2 = "DevGround2";

		public static readonly string DevHouse1 = "DevHouse1";

		public static readonly string DevHouse2 = "DevHouse2";

		public static readonly string DevHouse3 = "DevHouse3";

		public static readonly string DevSoundTest = "DevSoundTest";

		public static readonly string DevSpawnTest = "DevSpawnTest";

		public static readonly string DevWall1 = "DevWall1";

		public static readonly string DgCave = "DG_Cave";

		public static readonly string DgDvergrBoss = "DG_DvergrBoss";

		public static readonly string DgDvergrTown = "DG_DvergrTown";

		public static readonly string DgForestCrypt = "DG_ForestCrypt";

		public static readonly string DgGoblinCamp = "DG_GoblinCamp";

		public static readonly string DgHildirCave = "DG_Hildir_Cave";

		public static readonly string DgHildirForestCrypt = "DG_Hildir_ForestCrypt";

		public static readonly string DgHildirPlainsFortress = "DG_Hildir_PlainsFortress";

		public static readonly string DgMeadowsFarm = "DG_MeadowsFarm";

		public static readonly string DgMeadowsVillage = "DG_MeadowsVillage";

		public static readonly string DgSunkenCrypt = "DG_SunkenCrypt";

		public static readonly string Digg = "digg";

		public static readonly string DiggV2 = "digg_v2";

		public static readonly string Dolmen01 = "Dolmen01";

		public static readonly string Dolmen02 = "Dolmen02";

		public static readonly string Dolmen03 = "Dolmen03";

		public static readonly string Dragon = "Dragon";

		public static readonly string DragonIceProjectile = "dragon_ice_projectile";

		public static readonly string DragonEgg = "DragonEgg";

		public static readonly string Dragoneggcup = "dragoneggcup";

		public static readonly string Dragonqueen = "Dragonqueen";

		public static readonly string DragonTear = "DragonTear";

		public static readonly string DrakeLorestone = "DrakeLorestone";

		public static readonly string DrakeNest01 = "DrakeNest01";

		public static readonly string Draugr = "Draugr";

		public static readonly string DraugrArrow = "draugr_arrow";

		public static readonly string DraugrAxe = "draugr_axe";

		public static readonly string DraugrBow = "draugr_bow";

		public static readonly string DraugrBowProjectile = "draugr_bow_projectile";

		public static readonly string DraugrElite = "Draugr_Elite";

		public static readonly string DraugrEliteRagdoll = "Draugr_elite_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string DraugrRagdoll = "Draugr_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string DraugrRanged = "Draugr_Ranged";

		public static readonly string DraugrRangedRagdoll = "Draugr_ranged_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string DraugrSword = "draugr_sword";

		public static readonly string DungeonForestcryptDoor = "dungeon_forestcrypt_door";

		public static readonly string DungeonQueenDoor = "dungeon_queen_door";

		public static readonly string DungeonSunkencryptIrongate = "dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate";

		public static readonly string DungeonSunkencryptIrongateRusty = "dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate_rusty";

		public static readonly string Dverger = "Dverger";

		public static readonly string DvergerDemister = "dverger_demister";

		public static readonly string DvergerDemisterBroken = "dverger_demister_broken";

		public static readonly string DvergerDemisterLarge = "dverger_demister_large";

		public static readonly string DvergerDemisterRuins = "dverger_demister_ruins";

		public static readonly string DvergerGuardstone = "dverger_guardstone";

		public static readonly string DvergerRagdoll = "Dverger_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string DvergerArbalest = "DvergerArbalest";

		public static readonly string DvergerArbalestProjectile = "DvergerArbalest_projectile";

		public static readonly string DvergerArbalestShoot = "DvergerArbalest_shoot";

		public static readonly string DvergerHairFemale = "DvergerHairFemale";

		public static readonly string DvergerHairMale = "DvergerHairMale";

		public static readonly string DvergerMage = "DvergerMage";

		public static readonly string DvergerMageFire = "DvergerMageFire";

		public static readonly string DvergerMageIce = "DvergerMageIce";

		public static readonly string DvergerMageSupport = "DvergerMageSupport";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffBlockerBlockCircle = "DvergerStaffBlocker_blockCircle";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffBlockerBlockCircleBig = "DvergerStaffBlocker_blockCircleBig";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffBlockerBlockHemisphere = "DvergerStaffBlocker_blockHemisphere";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffBlockerBlockU = "DvergerStaffBlocker_blockU";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffBlockerBlockWall = "DvergerStaffBlocker_blockWall";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffBlockerProjectile = "DvergerStaffBlocker_projectile";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffFire = "DvergerStaffFire";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffFireClusterbombAoe = "DvergerStaffFire_clusterbomb_aoe";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffFireClusterbombProjectile = "DvergerStaffFire_clusterbomb_projectile";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffFireFireAoe = "DvergerStaffFire_fire_aoe";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffFireFireballProjectile = "DvergerStaffFire_fireball_projectile";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffHeal = "DvergerStaffHeal";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffHealAoe = "DvergerStaffHeal_aoe";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffIce = "DvergerStaffIce";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffIceProjectile = "DvergerStaffIce_projectile";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffNovaAoe = "DvergerStaffNova_aoe";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffSupport = "DvergerStaffSupport";

		public static readonly string DvergerStaffSupportAoe = "DvergerStaffSupport_aoe";

		public static readonly string DvergerSuitArbalest = "DvergerSuitArbalest";

		public static readonly string DvergerSuitFire = "DvergerSuitFire";

		public static readonly string DvergerSuitIce = "DvergerSuitIce";

		public static readonly string DvergerSuitSupport = "DvergerSuitSupport";

		public static readonly string DvergerTest = "DvergerTest";

		public static readonly string DvergrKey = "DvergrKey";

		public static readonly string DvergrKeyFragment = "DvergrKeyFragment";

		public static readonly string DvergrNeedle = "DvergrNeedle";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsBanner = "dvergrprops_banner";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsBarrel = "dvergrprops_barrel";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsBed = "dvergrprops_bed";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsChair = "dvergrprops_chair";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsCrate = "dvergrprops_crate";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsCrateLong = "dvergrprops_crate_long";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsCurtain = "dvergrprops_curtain";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsHooknchain = "dvergrprops_hooknchain";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsLantern = "dvergrprops_lantern";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsLanternStanding = "dvergrprops_lantern_standing";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsPickaxe = "dvergrprops_pickaxe";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsShelf = "dvergrprops_shelf";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsStool = "dvergrprops_stool";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsTable = "dvergrprops_table";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsWoodBeam = "dvergrprops_wood_beam";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsWoodFloor = "dvergrprops_wood_floor";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsWoodPole = "dvergrprops_wood_pole";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsWoodStair = "dvergrprops_wood_stair";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsWoodStake = "dvergrprops_wood_stake";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsWoodStakewall = "dvergrprops_wood_stakewall";

		public static readonly string DvergrpropsWoodWall = "dvergrprops_wood_wall";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownArch = "dvergrtown_arch";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownCreepDoor = "dvergrtown_creep_door";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownSecretdoor = "dvergrtown_secretdoor";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownSlidingdoor = "dvergrtown_slidingdoor";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownStairCornerWoodLeft = "dvergrtown_stair_corner_wood_left";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodBeam = "dvergrtown_wood_beam";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodCrane = "dvergrtown_wood_crane";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodPole = "dvergrtown_wood_pole";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodStake = "dvergrtown_wood_stake";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodStakewall = "dvergrtown_wood_stakewall";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodSupport = "dvergrtown_wood_support";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodWall01 = "dvergrtown_wood_wall01";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodWall02 = "dvergrtown_wood_wall02";

		public static readonly string DvergrtownWoodWall03 = "dvergrtown_wood_wall03";

		public static readonly string Eikthyr = "Eikthyr";

		public static readonly string EikthyrRagdoll = "eikthyr_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string Eikthyrnir = "Eikthyrnir";

		public static readonly string Eitr = "Eitr";

		public static readonly string Eitrrefinery = "eitrrefinery";

		public static readonly string ElderBark = "ElderBark";

		public static readonly string Entrails = "Entrails";

		public static readonly string EventzoneBonemass = "eventzone_bonemass";

		public static readonly string EventzoneEikthyr = "eventzone_eikthyr";

		public static readonly string EventzoneGdking = "eventzone_gdking";

		public static readonly string EventzoneGoblinking = "eventzone_goblinking";

		public static readonly string EventzoneModer = "eventzone_moder";

		public static readonly string EventzoneQueen = "eventzone_queen";

		public static readonly string EvilHeartForest = "EvilHeart_Forest";

		public static readonly string EvilHeartSwamp = "EvilHeart_Swamp";

		public static readonly string Eyescream = "Eyescream";

		public static readonly string Feathers = "Feathers";

		public static readonly string Fenring = "Fenring";

		public static readonly string FenringAttackFlamesAoe = "Fenring_attack_flames_aoe";

		public static readonly string FenringAttackFrostAoe = "Fenring_attack_frost_aoe";

		public static readonly string FenringCultist = "Fenring_Cultist";

		public static readonly string FenringCultistHildir = "Fenring_Cultist_Hildir";

		public static readonly string FenringCultistHildirNochest = "Fenring_Cultist_Hildir_nochest";

		public static readonly string FenringCultistRagdoll = "Fenring_cultist_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string FenringCultistRagdollHildir = "Fenring_cultist_ragdoll_hildir";

		public static readonly string FenringRagdoll = "Fenring_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string FenringIceNovaAoe = "FenringIceNova_aoe";

		public static readonly string FenrirhideHanging = "fenrirhide_hanging";

		public static readonly string FenrirhideHangingDoor = "fenrirhide_hanging_door";

		public static readonly string Fermenter = "fermenter";

		public static readonly string FineWood = "FineWood";

		public static readonly string FirCone = "FirCone";

		public static readonly string FirePit = "fire_pit";

		public static readonly string FirePitHaldor = "fire_pit_haldor";

		public static readonly string FirePitHildir = "fire_pit_hildir";

		public static readonly string FirePitIron = "fire_pit_iron";

		public static readonly string FireFlies = "FireFlies";

		public static readonly string FireHole = "FireHole";

		public static readonly string FireworksRocketBlue = "FireworksRocket_Blue";

		public static readonly string FireworksRocketCyan = "FireworksRocket_Cyan";

		public static readonly string FireworksRocketGreen = "FireworksRocket_Green";

		public static readonly string FireworksRocketPurple = "FireworksRocket_Purple";

		public static readonly string FireworksRocketRed = "FireworksRocket_Red";

		public static readonly string FireworksRocketWhite = "FireworksRocket_White";

		public static readonly string FireworksRocketYellow = "FireworksRocket_Yellow";

		public static readonly string FirTree = "FirTree";

		public static readonly string FirTreeLog = "FirTree_log";

		public static readonly string FirTreeLogHalf = "FirTree_log_half";

		public static readonly string FirTreeOldLog = "FirTree_oldLog";

		public static readonly string FirTreeSapling = "FirTree_Sapling";

		public static readonly string FirTreeSmall = "FirTree_small";

		public static readonly string FirTreeSmallDead = "FirTree_small_dead";

		public static readonly string FirTreeStub = "FirTree_Stub";

		public static readonly string Fish1 = "Fish1";

		public static readonly string Fish10 = "Fish10";

		public static readonly string Fish11 = "Fish11";

		public static readonly string Fish12 = "Fish12";

		public static readonly string Fish2 = "Fish2";

		public static readonly string Fish3 = "Fish3";

		public static readonly string Fish4Cave = "Fish4_cave";

		public static readonly string Fish5 = "Fish5";

		public static readonly string Fish6 = "Fish6";

		public static readonly string Fish7 = "Fish7";

		public static readonly string Fish8 = "Fish8";

		public static readonly string Fish9 = "Fish9";

		public static readonly string FishAndBread = "FishAndBread";

		public static readonly string FishAndBreadUncooked = "FishAndBreadUncooked";

		public static readonly string FishAnglerRaw = "FishAnglerRaw";

		public static readonly string FishCooked = "FishCooked";

		public static readonly string FishingBait = "FishingBait";

		public static readonly string FishingBaitAshlands = "FishingBaitAshlands";

		public static readonly string FishingBaitCave = "FishingBaitCave";

		public static readonly string FishingBaitDeepNorth = "FishingBaitDeepNorth";

		public static readonly string FishingBaitForest = "FishingBaitForest";

		public static readonly string FishingBaitMistlands = "FishingBaitMistlands";

		public static readonly string FishingBaitOcean = "FishingBaitOcean";

		public static readonly string FishingBaitPlains = "FishingBaitPlains";

		public static readonly string FishingBaitSwamp = "FishingBaitSwamp";

		public static readonly string FishingRod = "FishingRod";

		public static readonly string FishingRodFloat = "FishingRodFloat";

		public static readonly string FishingRodFloatProjectile = "FishingRodFloatProjectile";

		public static readonly string FishRaw = "FishRaw";

		public static readonly string FishWraps = "FishWraps";

		public static readonly string FistFenrirClaw = "FistFenrirClaw";

		public static readonly string Flametal = "Flametal";

		public static readonly string FlametalOre = "FlametalOre";

		public static readonly string Flax = "Flax";

		public static readonly string Flies = "Flies";

		public static readonly string Flint = "Flint";

		public static readonly string FlintspearProjectile = "flintspear_projectile";

		public static readonly string FlyingCore = "flying_core";

		public static readonly string Forge = "forge";

		public static readonly string ForgeExt1 = "forge_ext1";

		public static readonly string ForgeExt2 = "forge_ext2";

		public static readonly string ForgeExt3 = "forge_ext3";

		public static readonly string ForgeExt4 = "forge_ext4";

		public static readonly string ForgeExt5 = "forge_ext5";

		public static readonly string ForgeExt6 = "forge_ext6";

		public static readonly string FreezeGland = "FreezeGland";

		public static readonly string FrostCavesShrineReveal = "FrostCavesShrineReveal";

		public static readonly string FulingTrap = "fuling_trap";

		public static readonly string FulingTurret = "fuling_turret";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationArise = "fx_Abomination_arise";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAriseEnd = "fx_Abomination_arise_end";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttackHit = "fx_Abomination_attack_hit";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttack1 = "fx_Abomination_attack1";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttack1Start = "fx_Abomination_attack1_start";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttack1Trailon = "fx_Abomination_attack1_trailon";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttack2 = "fx_Abomination_attack2";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttack2Lift = "fx_Abomination_attack2_lift";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttack2Start = "fx_Abomination_attack2_start";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttack3 = "fx_Abomination_attack3";

		public static readonly string FxAbominationAttack3Start = "fx_Abomination_attack3_start";

		public static readonly string FxAltarCrystalDestruction = "fx_altar_crystal_destruction";

		public static readonly string FxArmorStandPick = "fx_ArmorStand_pick";

		public static readonly string FxBabyseekerDeath = "fx_babyseeker_death";

		public static readonly string FxBabyseekerHurt = "fx_babyseeker_hurt";

		public static readonly string FxBackstab = "fx_backstab";

		public static readonly string FxBatDeath = "fx_bat_death";

		public static readonly string FxBatHit = "fx_bat_hit";

		public static readonly string FxBlobtarTarballHit = "fx_blobtar_tarball_hit";

		public static readonly string FxBoarPet = "fx_boar_pet";

		public static readonly string FxBonemassAoeStart = "fx_Bonemass_aoe_start";

		public static readonly string FxChickenBirth = "fx_chicken_birth";

		public static readonly string FxChickenDeath = "fx_chicken_death";

		public static readonly string FxChickenLayEgg = "fx_chicken_lay_egg";

		public static readonly string FxChickenPet = "fx_chicken_pet";

		public static readonly string FxCreatureTamed = "fx_creature_tamed";

		public static readonly string FxCrit = "fx_crit";

		public static readonly string FxCrystalDestruction = "fx_crystal_destruction";

		public static readonly string FxDeathsquitoHit = "fx_deathsquito_hit";

		public static readonly string FxDeatsquitoDeath = "fx_deatsquito_death";

		public static readonly string FxDragonLand = "fx_dragon_land";

		public static readonly string FxDrown = "fx_drown";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerDeath = "fx_Dverger_death";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerHit = "fx_Dverger_hit";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerMageFireHit = "fx_DvergerMage_Fire_hit";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerMageIceHit = "fx_DvergerMage_Ice_hit";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerMageMistileAttack = "fx_DvergerMage_Mistile_attack";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerMageMistileDie = "fx_DvergerMage_Mistile_die";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerMageMistileSpawn = "fx_DvergerMage_MistileSpawn";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerMageNovaRing = "fx_DvergerMage_Nova_ring";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerMageSupportHit = "fx_DvergerMage_Support_hit";

		public static readonly string FxDvergerMageSupportStart = "fx_DvergerMage_Support_start";

		public static readonly string FxEggSplash = "fx_egg_splash";

		public static readonly string FxEikthyrForwardshockwave = "fx_eikthyr_forwardshockwave";

		public static readonly string FxEikthyrStomp = "fx_eikthyr_stomp";

		public static readonly string FxFenringBurningHand = "fx_fenring_burning_hand";

		public static readonly string FxFenringBurningHandLong = "fx_fenring_burning_hand_long";

		public static readonly string FxFenringFlames = "fx_fenring_flames";

		public static readonly string FxFenringFrost = "fx_fenring_frost";

		public static readonly string FxFenringFrostHand = "fx_fenring_frost_hand";

		public static readonly string FxFenringFrostHandAoestart = "fx_fenring_frost_hand_aoestart";

		public static readonly string FxFenringFrostHandLong = "fx_fenring_frost_hand_long";

		public static readonly string FxFenringIcenova = "fx_fenring_icenova";

		public static readonly string FxFireballStaffExplosion = "fx_fireball_staff_explosion";

		public static readonly string FxFireskeletonNova = "fx_fireskeleton_nova";

		public static readonly string FxFloatHitwater = "fx_float_hitwater";

		public static readonly string FxFloatNibble = "fx_float_nibble";

		public static readonly string FxGdkingRootspawn = "fx_gdking_rootspawn";

		public static readonly string FxGjallDeath = "fx_gjall_death";

		public static readonly string FxGjallEggSplat = "fx_gjall_egg_splat";

		public static readonly string FxGjallTaunt = "fx_gjall_taunt";

		public static readonly string FxGoblinbruteGroundslam = "fx_goblinbrute_groundslam";

		public static readonly string FxGoblinkingBeamHit = "fx_goblinking_beam_hit";

		public static readonly string FxGoblinkingDeath = "fx_goblinking_death";

		public static readonly string FxGoblinkingHit = "fx_goblinking_hit";

		public static readonly string FxGoblinkingMeteorHit = "fx_goblinking_meteor_hit";

		public static readonly string FxGoblinkingNova = "fx_goblinking_nova";

		public static readonly string FxGoblinShieldBreak = "fx_GoblinShieldBreak";

		public static readonly string FxGoblinShieldHit = "fx_GoblinShieldHit";

		public static readonly string FxGpActivation = "fx_GP_Activation";

		public static readonly string FxGpPlayer = "fx_GP_Player";

		public static readonly string FxGpStone = "fx_GP_Stone";

		public static readonly string FxGuardstoneActivate = "fx_guardstone_activate";

		public static readonly string FxGuardstoneDeactivate = "fx_guardstone_deactivate";

		public static readonly string FxGuardstonePermittedAdd = "fx_guardstone_permitted_add";

		public static readonly string FxGuardstonePermittedRemoved = "fx_guardstone_permitted_removed";

		public static readonly string FxHareDeath = "fx_hare_death";

		public static readonly string FxHenDeath = "fx_hen_death";

		public static readonly string FxHenLove = "fx_hen_love";

		public static readonly string FxHildirChestUnlock = "fx_HildirChest_Unlock";

		public static readonly string FxHimminaflAoe = "fx_himminafl_aoe";

		public static readonly string FxHimminaflHit = "fx_himminafl_hit";

		public static readonly string FxHottubAddwood = "fx_hottub_addwood";

		public static readonly string FxIcefloorDestruction = "fx_icefloor_destruction";

		public static readonly string FxIceshardHit = "fx_iceshard_hit";

		public static readonly string FxIceshardLaunch = "fx_iceshard_launch";

		public static readonly string FxIcicleDestruction = "fx_icicle_destruction";

		public static readonly string FxImmobilize = "fx_Immobilize";

		public static readonly string FxJellyPickup = "fx_jelly_pickup";

		public static readonly string FxJotunbaneHit = "fx_jotunbane_hit";

		public static readonly string FxJotunbaneSwing = "fx_jotunbane_swing";

		public static readonly string FxLeviathanLeave = "fx_leviathan_leave";

		public static readonly string FxLeviathanReaction = "fx_leviathan_reaction";

		public static readonly string FxLightning = "fx_Lightning";

		public static readonly string FxLoxDeath = "fx_lox_death";

		public static readonly string FxLoxHit = "fx_lox_hit";

		public static readonly string FxLoxPet = "fx_lox_pet";

		public static readonly string FxLoxTamed = "fx_lox_tamed";

		public static readonly string FxLoxcalfDeath = "fx_loxcalf_death";

		public static readonly string FxOvenAddFood = "fx_oven_add_food";

		public static readonly string FxOvenAddWood = "fx_oven_add_wood";

		public static readonly string FxOvenProduce = "fx_oven_produce";

		public static readonly string FxPheromonebombExplode = "fx_pheromonebomb_explode";

		public static readonly string FxPotionFrostresist = "fx_Potion_frostresist";

		public static readonly string FxPuke = "fx_Puke";

		public static readonly string FxQueenDeath = "fx_Queen_Death";

		public static readonly string FxQueenPierceGround = "fx_QueenPierceGround";

		public static readonly string FxRadiationHit = "fx_radiation_hit";

		public static readonly string FxRefineryAddfuel = "fx_refinery_addfuel";

		public static readonly string FxRefineryAddtissue = "fx_refinery_addtissue";

		public static readonly string FxRefineryDestroyed = "fx_refinery_destroyed";

		public static readonly string FxRefineryProduce = "fx_refinery_produce";

		public static readonly string FxSeekerDeath = "fx_seeker_death";

		public static readonly string FxSeekerHurt = "fx_seeker_hurt";

		public static readonly string FxSeekerMeleeHit = "fx_seeker_melee_hit";

		public static readonly string FxSeekerSpawn = "fx_seeker_spawn";

		public static readonly string FxSeekerbruteDeath = "fx_seekerbrute_death";

		public static readonly string FxShamanFireballExpl = "fx_shaman_fireball_expl";

		public static readonly string FxShamanProtect = "fx_shaman_protect";

		public static readonly string FxShieldStart = "fx_shield_start";

		public static readonly string FxSkeletonPet = "fx_skeleton_pet";

		public static readonly string FxSledgeDemolisherHit = "fx_sledge_demolisher_hit";

		public static readonly string FxStaffShieldBreak = "fx_StaffShield_Break";

		public static readonly string FxStaffShieldHit = "fx_StaffShield_Hit";

		public static readonly string FxSummonSkeleton = "fx_summon_skeleton";

		public static readonly string FxSummonSkeletonSpawn = "fx_summon_skeleton_spawn";

		public static readonly string FxSummonStart = "fx_summon_start";

		public static readonly string FxSwAddflax = "fx_sw_addflax";

		public static readonly string FxSwProduce = "fx_sw_produce";

		public static readonly string FxTarBubbles = "fx_tar_bubbles";

		public static readonly string FxTentarootDeath = "fx_tentaroot_death";

		public static readonly string FxTickDeath = "fx_tick_death";

		public static readonly string FxTickBloodHit = "fx_TickBloodHit";

		public static readonly string FxTombstoneDestroyed = "fx_tombstone_destroyed";

		public static readonly string FxTotemDestroyed = "fx_totem_destroyed";

		public static readonly string FxTrapArm = "fx_trap_arm";

		public static readonly string FxTrapTrigger = "fx_trap_trigger";

		public static readonly string FxTurretAddammo = "fx_turret_addammo";

		public static readonly string FxTurretFire = "fx_turret_fire";

		public static readonly string FxTurretNewtarget = "fx_turret_newtarget";

		public static readonly string FxTurretNotarget = "fx_turret_notarget";

		public static readonly string FxTurretReload = "fx_turret_reload";

		public static readonly string FxTurretWarmup = "fx_turret_warmup";

		public static readonly string FxVinesHit = "fx_vines_hit";

		public static readonly string FxWaterImpactBig = "fx_WaterImpact_Big";

		public static readonly string FxWolfPet = "fx_wolf_pet";

		public static readonly string GdKing = "gd_king";

		public static readonly string GdKing2 = "GDKing";

		public static readonly string GdkingRagdoll = "gdking_Ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GdkingRootProjectile = "gdking_root_projectile";

		public static readonly string Ghost = "Ghost";

		public static readonly string GiantArm = "giant_arm";

		public static readonly string GiantBrain = "giant_brain";

		public static readonly string GiantBrainFrac = "giant_brain_frac";

		public static readonly string GiantHelmet1 = "giant_helmet1";

		public static readonly string GiantHelmet1Destruction = "giant_helmet1_destruction";

		public static readonly string GiantHelmet2 = "giant_helmet2";

		public static readonly string GiantHelmet2Destruction = "giant_helmet2_destruction";

		public static readonly string GiantRibs = "giant_ribs";

		public static readonly string GiantRibsFrac = "giant_ribs_frac";

		public static readonly string GiantSkull = "giant_skull";

		public static readonly string GiantSkullFrac = "giant_skull_frac";

		public static readonly string GiantSword1 = "giant_sword1";

		public static readonly string GiantSword1Destruction = "giant_sword1_destruction";

		public static readonly string GiantSword2 = "giant_sword2";

		public static readonly string GiantSword2Destruction = "giant_sword2_destruction";

		public static readonly string GiantBloodSack = "GiantBloodSack";

		public static readonly string Gjall = "Gjall";

		public static readonly string GjallEggProjectile = "gjall_egg_projectile";

		public static readonly string GjallSpitProjectile = "gjall_spit_projectile";

		public static readonly string GlowingMushroom = "GlowingMushroom";

		public static readonly string Goblin = "Goblin";

		public static readonly string GoblinBanner = "goblin_banner";

		public static readonly string GoblinBed = "goblin_bed";

		public static readonly string GoblinDragdoll = "Goblin_Dragdoll";

		public static readonly string GoblinFence = "goblin_fence";

		public static readonly string GoblinPole = "goblin_pole";

		public static readonly string GoblinPoleSmall = "goblin_pole_small";

		public static readonly string GoblinRoof45D = "goblin_roof_45d";

		public static readonly string GoblinRoof45DCorner = "goblin_roof_45d_corner";

		public static readonly string GoblinRoofCap = "goblin_roof_cap";

		public static readonly string GoblinStairs = "goblin_stairs";

		public static readonly string GoblinStepladder = "goblin_stepladder";

		public static readonly string GoblinStrawpile = "goblin_strawpile";

		public static readonly string GoblinTotempole = "goblin_totempole";

		public static readonly string GoblinTrashpile = "goblin_trashpile";

		public static readonly string GoblinTrashpileDestruction = "goblin_trashpile_destruction";

		public static readonly string GoblinWoodwall1M = "goblin_woodwall_1m";

		public static readonly string GoblinWoodwall2M = "goblin_woodwall_2m";

		public static readonly string GoblinWoodwall2MRibs = "goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs";

		public static readonly string GoblinArcher = "GoblinArcher";

		public static readonly string GoblinArmband = "GoblinArmband";

		public static readonly string GoblinBrute = "GoblinBrute";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteArmGuard = "GoblinBrute_ArmGuard";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteAttack = "GoblinBrute_Attack";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteBackbones = "GoblinBrute_Backbones";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteExecutionerCap = "GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteHildir = "GoblinBrute_Hildir";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteHildirRagdoll = "GoblinBrute_Hildir_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteHipCloth = "GoblinBrute_HipCloth";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteLegBones = "GoblinBrute_LegBones";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteRagdoll = "GoblinBrute_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteRageAttack = "GoblinBrute_RageAttack";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteShoulderGuard = "GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteTaunt = "GoblinBrute_Taunt";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteBros = "GoblinBruteBros";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteBrosAttack = "GoblinBruteBros_Attack";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteBrosNochest = "GoblinBruteBros_nochest";

		public static readonly string GoblinBruteBrosRageAttack = "GoblinBruteBros_RageAttack";

		public static readonly string GoblinCamp2 = "GoblinCamp2";

		public static readonly string GoblinClub = "GoblinClub";

		public static readonly string GoblinHelmet = "GoblinHelmet";

		public static readonly string GoblinKing = "GoblinKing";

		public static readonly string GoblinKing2 = "GoblinKing";

		public static readonly string GoblinKingRagdoll = "GoblinKing_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GoblinkingTotemholder = "goblinking_totemholder";

		public static readonly string GoblinLegband = "GoblinLegband";

		public static readonly string GoblinLoin = "GoblinLoin";

		public static readonly string GoblinShaman = "GoblinShaman";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanAttackPoke = "GoblinShaman_attack_poke";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanHeaddressAntlers = "GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanHeaddressFeathers = "GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanHildir = "GoblinShaman_Hildir";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanHildirNochest = "GoblinShaman_Hildir_nochest";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanHildirRagdoll = "GoblinShaman_Hildir_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanProjectileFireball = "GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanProtectAoe = "GoblinShaman_protect_aoe";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanRagdoll = "GoblinShaman_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanStaffBones = "GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanStaffFeathers = "GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers";

		public static readonly string GoblinShamanStaffHildir = "GoblinShaman_Staff_Hildir";

		public static readonly string GoblinShoulders = "GoblinShoulders";

		public static readonly string GoblinSpear = "GoblinSpear";

		public static readonly string GoblinSpearProjectile = "GoblinSpear_projectile";

		public static readonly string GoblinSword = "GoblinSword";

		public static readonly string GoblinTorch = "GoblinTorch";

		public static readonly string GoblinTotem = "GoblinTotem";

		public static readonly string Grave1 = "Grave1";

		public static readonly string Greydwarf = "Greydwarf";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfCamp1 = "Greydwarf_camp1";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfElite = "Greydwarf_Elite";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfEliteRagdoll = "Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfRagdoll = "Greydwarf_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfRoot = "Greydwarf_Root";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfShaman = "Greydwarf_Shaman";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfShamanRagdoll = "Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfThrowProjectile = "Greydwarf_throw_projectile";

		public static readonly string GreydwarfEye = "GreydwarfEye";

		public static readonly string Greyling = "Greyling";

		public static readonly string GreylingRagdoll = "Greyling_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string GuardStone = "guard_stone";

		public static readonly string GuardStoneTest = "guard_stone_test";

		public static readonly string Guck = "Guck";

		public static readonly string GuckSack = "GuckSack";

		public static readonly string GuckSackSmall = "GuckSack_small";

		public static readonly string Haldor = "Haldor";

		public static readonly string Hammer = "Hammer";

		public static readonly string HangingHairstrands = "hanging_hairstrands";

		public static readonly string HardAntler = "HardAntler";

		public static readonly string Hare = "Hare";

		public static readonly string HareRagdoll = "Hare_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string HareMeat = "HareMeat";

		public static readonly string Hatchling = "Hatchling";

		public static readonly string HatchlingColdProjectile = "hatchling_cold_projectile";

		public static readonly string HatchlingRagdoll = "Hatchling_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string HealthUpgradeBonemass = "HealthUpgrade_Bonemass";

		public static readonly string HealthUpgradeGdKing = "HealthUpgrade_GDKing";

		public static readonly string Hearth = "hearth";

		public static readonly string HeathRockPillar = "HeathRockPillar";

		public static readonly string HeathRockPillarFrac = "HeathRockPillar_frac";

		public static readonly string HelmetBronze = "HelmetBronze";

		public static readonly string HelmetCarapace = "HelmetCarapace";

		public static readonly string HelmetDrake = "HelmetDrake";

		public static readonly string HelmetDverger = "HelmetDverger";

		public static readonly string HelmetFenring = "HelmetFenring";

		public static readonly string HelmetFishingHat = "HelmetFishingHat";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat1 = "HelmetHat1";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat10 = "HelmetHat10";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat2 = "HelmetHat2";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat3 = "HelmetHat3";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat4 = "HelmetHat4";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat5 = "HelmetHat5";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat6 = "HelmetHat6";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat7 = "HelmetHat7";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat8 = "HelmetHat8";

		public static readonly string HelmetHat9 = "HelmetHat9";

		public static readonly string HelmetIron = "HelmetIron";

		public static readonly string HelmetLeather = "HelmetLeather";

		public static readonly string HelmetMage = "HelmetMage";

		public static readonly string HelmetMidsummerCrown = "HelmetMidsummerCrown";

		public static readonly string HelmetOdin = "HelmetOdin";

		public static readonly string HelmetPadded = "HelmetPadded";

		public static readonly string HelmetPointyHat = "HelmetPointyHat";

		public static readonly string HelmetRoot = "HelmetRoot";

		public static readonly string HelmetTrollLeather = "HelmetTrollLeather";

		public static readonly string HelmetYule = "HelmetYule";

		public static readonly string Hen = "Hen";

		public static readonly string Highstone = "highstone";

		public static readonly string HighstoneFrac = "highstone_frac";

		public static readonly string Hildir = "Hildir";

		public static readonly string HildirCamp = "Hildir_camp";

		public static readonly string HildirCave = "Hildir_cave";

		public static readonly string HildirCrypt = "Hildir_crypt";

		public static readonly string HildirPlainsfortress = "Hildir_plainsfortress";

		public static readonly string HildirKeyForestcrypt = "HildirKey_forestcrypt";

		public static readonly string HildirKeyMountaincave = "HildirKey_mountaincave";

		public static readonly string HildirKeyPlainsfortress = "HildirKey_plainsfortress";

		public static readonly string Hive = "Hive";

		public static readonly string HiveThrowProjectile = "hive_throw_projectile";

		public static readonly string Hoe = "Hoe";

		public static readonly string Honey = "Honey";

		public static readonly string HoneyGlazedChicken = "HoneyGlazedChicken";

		public static readonly string HoneyGlazedChickenUncooked = "HoneyGlazedChickenUncooked";

		public static readonly string HorizontalWeb = "horizontal_web";

		public static readonly string HugeRoot1 = "HugeRoot1";

		public static readonly string IceFloor = "Ice_floor";

		public static readonly string IceFloorFractured = "Ice_floor_fractured";

		public static readonly string IceRock1 = "ice_rock1";

		public static readonly string IceRock1Frac = "ice_rock1_frac";

		public static readonly string Ice1 = "ice1";

		public static readonly string IceBlocker = "IceBlocker";

		public static readonly string ImpFireballProjectile = "Imp_fireball_projectile";

		public static readonly string Incinerator = "incinerator";

		public static readonly string InfestedTree01 = "InfestedTree01";

		public static readonly string Iron = "Iron";

		public static readonly string IronFloor1X1 = "iron_floor_1x1";

		public static readonly string IronFloor1X1V2 = "iron_floor_1x1_v2";

		public static readonly string IronFloor2X2 = "iron_floor_2x2";

		public static readonly string IronGrate = "iron_grate";

		public static readonly string IronWall1X1 = "iron_wall_1x1";

		public static readonly string IronWall1X1Rusty = "iron_wall_1x1_rusty";

		public static readonly string IronWall2X2 = "iron_wall_2x2";

		public static readonly string IronNails = "IronNails";

		public static readonly string IronOre = "IronOre";

		public static readonly string Ironpit = "Ironpit";

		public static readonly string IronScrap = "IronScrap";

		public static readonly string Itemstand = "itemstand";

		public static readonly string Itemstandh = "itemstandh";

		public static readonly string JuteCarpet = "jute_carpet";

		public static readonly string JuteCarpetBlue = "jute_carpet_blue";

		public static readonly string JuteBlue = "JuteBlue";

		public static readonly string JuteRed = "JuteRed";

		public static readonly string Karve = "Karve";

		public static readonly string KnifeBlackMetal = "KnifeBlackMetal";

		public static readonly string KnifeButcher = "KnifeButcher";

		public static readonly string KnifeChitin = "KnifeChitin";

		public static readonly string KnifeCopper = "KnifeCopper";

		public static readonly string KnifeFlint = "KnifeFlint";

		public static readonly string KnifeSilver = "KnifeSilver";

		public static readonly string KnifeSkollAndHati = "KnifeSkollAndHati";

		public static readonly string Lantern = "Lantern";

		public static readonly string Larva = "Larva";

		public static readonly string LeatherScraps = "LeatherScraps";

		public static readonly string Leech = "Leech";

		public static readonly string LeechCave = "Leech_cave";

		public static readonly string Leviathan = "Leviathan";

		public static readonly string LightningAoe = "lightningAOE";

		public static readonly string LinenThread = "LinenThread";

		public static readonly string LocationProxy = "LocationProxy";

		public static readonly string LootChestStone = "loot_chest_stone";

		public static readonly string LootChestWood = "loot_chest_wood";

		public static readonly string LootSpawnerPineforest = "LootSpawner_pineforest";

		public static readonly string Lox = "Lox";

		public static readonly string LoxCalf = "Lox_Calf";

		public static readonly string LoxRagdoll = "lox_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string LoxRibs = "lox_ribs";

		public static readonly string LoxStompAoeOld = "lox_stomp_aoe_OLD";

		public static readonly string LoxcalfRagdoll = "loxcalf_ragdoll";

		public static readonly string LoxMeat = "LoxMeat";

		public static readonly string LoxPelt = "LoxPelt";

		public static readonly string LoxPie = "LoxPie";

		public static readonly string LoxPieUncooked = "LoxPieUncooked";

		public static readonly string LuredWisp = "LuredWisp";

		public static readonly string MaceBronze = "MaceBronze";

		public static readonly string MaceIron = "MaceIron";

		public static readonly string MaceNeedle = "MaceNeedle";

		public static readonly string MaceSilver = "MaceSilver";

		public static readonly string MagicallyStuffedShroom = "MagicallyStuffedShroom";

		public static readonly string MagicallyStuffedShroomUncooked = "MagicallyStuffedShroomUncooked";

		public static readonly string Mandible = "Mandible";

		public static readonly string Marker01 = "marker01";

		public static readonly string Marker02 = "marker02";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseEitrMinor = "MeadBaseEitrMinor";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseFrostResist = "MeadBaseFrostResist";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseHealthMajor = "MeadBaseHealthMajor";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseHealthMedium = "MeadBaseHealthMedium";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseHealthMinor = "MeadBaseHealthMinor";

		public static readonly string MeadBasePoisonResist = "MeadBasePoisonResist";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseStaminaLingering = "MeadBaseStaminaLingering";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseStaminaMedium = "MeadBaseStaminaMedium";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseStaminaMinor = "MeadBaseStaminaMinor";

		public static readonly string MeadBaseTasty = "MeadBaseTasty";

		public static readonly string MeadEitrMinor = "MeadEitrMinor";

		public static readonly string MeadFrostResist = "MeadFrostResist";

		public static readonly string MeadHealthMajor = "MeadHealthMajor";

		public static readonly string MeadHealthMedium = "MeadHealthMedium";

		public static readonly string MeadHealthMinor = "MeadHealthMinor";

		public static readonly string MeadPoisonResist = "MeadPoisonResist";

		public static readonly string MeadStaminaLingering = "MeadStaminaLingering";

		public static readonly string MeadStaminaMedium = "MeadStaminaMedium";

		public static readonly string MeadStaminaMinor = "MeadStaminaMinor";

		public static readonly string MeadTasty = "MeadTasty";

		public static readonly string MeatPlatter = "MeatPlatter";

		public static readonly string MeatPlatterUncooked = "MeatPlatterUncooked";

		public static readonly string MechanicalSpring = "MechanicalSpring";

		public static readonly string Metalbar1X2 = "metalbar_1x2";

		public static readonly string Meteorite = "Meteorite";

		public static readonly string MinceMeatSauce = "MinceMeatSauce";

		public static readonly string MineRockCopper = "MineRock_Copper";

		public static readonly string MineRockIron = "MineRock_Iron";

		public static readonly string MineRockMeteorite = "MineRock_Meteorite";

		public static readonly string MineRockObsidian = "MineRock_Obsidian";

		public static readonly string MineRockStone = "MineRock_Stone";

		public static readonly string MineRockTin = "MineRock_Tin";

		public static readonly string MistArea = "MistArea";

		public static readonly string MistAreaEdge = "MistArea_edge";

		public static readonly string MistAreaSmall = "MistArea_small";

		public static readonly string MisthareSupreme = "MisthareSupreme";

		public static readonly string MisthareSupremeUncooked = "MisthareSupremeUncooked";

		public static readonly string Mistile = "Mistile";

		public static readonly string MistileKamikaze = "Mistile_kamikaze";

		public static readonly string MistlandsDvergrBossEntrance1 = "Mistlands_DvergrBossEntrance1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsDvergrTownEntrance1 = "Mistlands_DvergrTownEntrance1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsDvergrTownEntrance2 = "Mistlands_DvergrTownEntrance2";

		public static readonly string MistlandsExcavation1 = "Mistlands_Excavation1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsExcavation2 = "Mistlands_Excavation2";

		public static readonly string MistlandsExcavation3 = "Mistlands_Excavation3";

		public static readonly string MistlandsGiant1 = "Mistlands_Giant1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsGiant2 = "Mistlands_Giant2";

		public static readonly string MistlandsGuardTower1New = "Mistlands_GuardTower1_new";

		public static readonly string MistlandsGuardTower1RuinedNew = "Mistlands_GuardTower1_ruined_new";

		public static readonly string MistlandsGuardTower1RuinedNew2 = "Mistlands_GuardTower1_ruined_new2";

		public static readonly string MistlandsGuardTower2New = "Mistlands_GuardTower2_new";

		public static readonly string MistlandsGuardTower3New = "Mistlands_GuardTower3_new";

		public static readonly string MistlandsGuardTower3RuinedNew = "Mistlands_GuardTower3_ruined_new";

		public static readonly string MistlandsHarbour1 = "Mistlands_Harbour1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsLighthouse1New = "Mistlands_Lighthouse1_new";

		public static readonly string MistlandsRoadPost1 = "Mistlands_RoadPost1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsRockSpire1 = "Mistlands_RockSpire1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsStatue1 = "Mistlands_Statue1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsStatue2 = "Mistlands_Statue2";

		public static readonly string MistlandsStatueGroup1 = "Mistlands_StatueGroup1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsSwords1 = "Mistlands_Swords1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsSwords2 = "Mistlands_Swords2";

		public static readonly string MistlandsSwords3 = "Mistlands_Swords3";

		public static readonly string MistlandsViaduct1 = "Mistlands_Viaduct1";

		public static readonly string MistlandsViaduct2 = "Mistlands_Viaduct2";

		public static readonly string Mistvolume = "mistvolume";

		public static readonly string MountainCave02 = "MountainCave02";

		public static readonly string MountainGrave01 = "MountainGrave01";

		public static readonly string MountainGraveStone01 = "MountainGraveStone01";

		public static readonly string MountainKitBrazier = "MountainKit_brazier";

		public static readonly string MountainKitBrazierBlue = "MountainKit_brazier_blue";

		public static readonly string MountainkitChair = "mountainkit_chair";

		public static readonly string MountainkitTable = "mountainkit_table";

		public static readonly string MountainKitWoodGate = "MountainKit_wood_gate";

		public static readonly string MountainWell1 = "MountainWell1";

		public static readonly string MudRoad = "mud_road";

		public static readonly string Mudpile = "mudpile";

		public static readonly string MudpileBeacon = "mudpile_beacon";

		public static readonly string MudpileFrac = "mudpile_frac";

		public static readonly string MudpileOld = "mudpile_old";

		public static readonly string Mudpile2 = "mudpile2";

		public static readonly string Mudpile2Frac = "mudpile2_frac";

		public static readonly string Mushroom = "Mushroom";

		public static readonly string MushroomBlue = "MushroomBlue";

		public static readonly string MushroomJotunPuffs = "MushroomJotunPuffs";

		public static readonly string MushroomMagecap = "MushroomMagecap";

		public static readonly string MushroomOmelette = "MushroomOmelette";

		public static readonly string MushroomYellow = "MushroomYellow";

		public static readonly string MusicFulingCamp = "Music_FulingCamp";

		public static readonly string MusicGreydwarfCamp = "Music_GreydwarfCamp";

		public static readonly string MusicMeadowsVillageFarm = "Music_MeadowsVillageFarm";

		public static readonly string MusicMountainCottage = "Music_MountainCottage";

		public static readonly string MusicSealedTower = "Music_SealedTower";

		public static readonly string MusicStoneHenge = "Music_StoneHenge";

		public static readonly string Neck = "Neck";

		public static readonly string NeckRagdoll = "Neck_Ragdoll";

		public static readonly string NeckTail = "NeckTail";

		public static readonly string NeckTailGrilled = "NeckTailGrilled";

		public static readonly string Needle = "Needle";

		public static readonly string OakLog = "Oak_log";

		public static readonly string OakLogHalf = "Oak_log_half";

		public static readonly string OakSapling = "Oak_Sapling";

		public static readonly string Oak1 = "Oak1";

		public static readonly string OakStub = "OakStub";

		public static readonly string Obsidian = "Obsidian";

		public static readonly string Odin = "odin";

		public static readonly string OldWoodRoof = "OLD_wood_roof";

		public static readonly string OldWoodRoofIcorner = "OLD_wood_roof_icorner";

		public static readonly string OldWoodRoofOcorner = "OLD_wood_roof_ocorner";

		public static readonly string OldWoodRoofTop = "OLD_wood_roof_top";

		public static readonly string OldWoodWallRoof = "OLD_wood_wall_roof";

		public static readonly string Onion = "Onion";

		public static readonly string OnionSeeds = "OnionSeeds";

		public static readonly string OnionSoup = "OnionSoup";

		public static readonly string Ooze = "Ooze";

		public static readonly string OozebombExplosion = "oozebomb_explosion";

		public static readonly string OozebombProjectile = "oozebomb_projectile";

		public static readonly string Path = "path";

		public static readonly string PavedRoad = "paved_road";

		public static readonly string PickableBarley = "Pickable_Barley";

		public static readonly string PickableBarleyWild = "Pickable_Barley_Wild";

		public static readonly string PickableBlackCoreStand = "Pickable_BlackCoreStand";

		public static readonly string PickableBogIronOre = "Pickable_BogIronOre";

		public static readonly string PickableBranch = "Pickable_Branch";

		public static readonly string PickableCarrot = "Pickable_Carrot";

		public static readonly string PickableDandelion = "Pickable_Dandelion";

		public static readonly string PickableDolmenTreasure = "Pickable_DolmenTreasure";

		public static readonly string PickableDragonEgg = "Pickable_DragonEgg";

		public static readonly string PickableDvergerThing = "Pickable_DvergerThing";

		public static readonly string PickableDvergrLantern = "Pickable_DvergrLantern";

		public static readonly string PickableDvergrMineTreasure = "Pickable_DvergrMineTreasure";

		public static readonly string PickableDvergrStein = "Pickable_DvergrStein";

		public static readonly string PickableFishingrod = "Pickable_Fishingrod";

		public static readonly string PickableFlax = "Pickable_Flax";

		public static readonly string PickableFlaxWild = "Pickable_Flax_Wild";

		public static readonly string PickableFlint = "Pickable_Flint";

		public static readonly string PickableForestCryptRandom = "Pickable_ForestCryptRandom";

		public static readonly string PickableForestCryptRemains01 = "Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01";

		public static readonly string PickableForestCryptRemains02 = "Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02";

		public static readonly string PickableForestCryptRemains03 = "Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03";

		public static readonly string PickableForest