MixoneFinallyHere-CivilizedEatingEnforcer icon


One must be sitting down at a table to eat, or exceptionally when on a ship one may eat, but one may not eat and drive, this is but a recipe for disaster!

Last updated 3 years ago
Total downloads 209
Total rating 1 
Categories Mods Tweaks Misc Client-side
Dependency string MixoneFinallyHere-CivilizedEatingEnforcer-0.0.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1000 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.1000


Civilized Eating Enforcer

When Odin heard his enemies were growing once again in strength, he looked to Midgard and sent his Valkyries to scour the battlefields for the greatest of their warriors.

Alas, for all his All-Seeing prowess, Odin overlooked a crucial aspect of the unsophisticated culture of Midgard's warriors, their terrible eating habits.

Join us in this installement of the Civilized series upon which we return eating habbits to their proper course!

No more standing and eating, no more grabbing things from the ground and eating them as if one where an animal!

Thanks to this mod you can ensure that your warriors learn proper eating manners.

One must be sitting down at a table to eat, or exceptionally when on a ship one may eat, but one may not eat and drive, this is but a recipe for disaster!

Actual useful info


In order to be allowed to eat, before the vanila checks a few checks are added:

  • Is the character sitting on a chair ?
    • Yes:
      • Is the character on a Ship ?
        • Yes:
          • You can eat.
        • No:
          • Is the character looking at a table ?
            • Yes:
              • You can eat.
            • No:
              • You can not eat.
    • No:
      • You can not eat.


Place plugin in BepInEx\plugins directory


Civilized Eating Enforcer


Valheim Modding Discord - User: Mixone Valheim Plus Discord - User: Mixone