MythikWolf-QuestItems icon


Some simple little quest items for your server to add to your quests using KG's Marketplace.'


Version Update Notes
1.1.0 - Update for Valhiem 0.217.22
1.0.11 - Update for Hildir's Request (0.217.14)
- Internally update ItemManager, ServerSync, and change the VersionHandshake to use a hash instead of just the version
1.0.10 - Added straw doll
1.0.9 - Fixed manifest.json
1.0.8 - Fixed
1.0.7 - Fixed colider on goblet
1.0.6 - Fixed assetbundle
1.0.5 - Added missing items back
1.0.4 - Fixed for patch
1.0.3 - Added new items
1.0.2 - Added new items
1.0.1 - Initial Release