clevel-BeastsOfBurden icon


Allows you to attach carts to tamed boars, wolves, and loxen

Last updated 3 years ago
Total downloads 68129
Total rating 16 
Categories Mods
Dependency string clevel-BeastsOfBurden-1.0.4
Dependants 200 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.800 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.800


Beasts of Burden

A mod that allows you to attach carts to tamed boars, wolves, and loxen.


  • Tamed boars and loxen can now be commanded to follow the player in the same manner as wolves in vanilla Valheim. This can be disabled via the configuration file.
  • When interacting with the handles of the cart if a valid tame animal is in range the cart will attach to the nearest animal. Otherwise if the player is in a valid position the cart will attach to them.
  • Animals are able to pull heavier carts than the player can, larger animals can pull heavier carts than smaller animals.


After launching the game with the mod installed for the first time a configuration file will be created in SteamApps\common\Valheim\BepInEx\config\org.bepinex.plugins.beasts_of_burden.cfg In the configuration you can adjust things such as:

  • Which animal types you can command to follow you.
  • How closely an animal will attempt to follow.
  • How close the animal or player have to be to the cart to attach to it.
  • Which animals you can attach to a cart.
  • If tamed animals should ignore their fear of fire.


Like many Valheim mods Beasts of Burden relies on BepinEx and Harmony mod. For instructions on installing such mods see: or

Known Issues

  • If a player leaves the area (e.g., teleporting or quitting) after attaching a cart to an animal the cart will detach even if other players are still in the area.
  • Cart connection can be a bit jostling if detach distance setting is too high.

Known mod compatibility issues

  • Doesn't curently work with Linked Wagons


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[1.0.4] - 2021-04-19


  • Mod no longer checks for process valheim.exe - this means it will now load on other clients such as Linux client or dedicated server without issue. Running this mod server side is still not required but likely will be in a future version.


  • Prevent Tamed Fear of Fire config setting. This prevents tamed creatures from being afraid of fire. If you enable this it will immediately apply to all tamed creatures in your area, disabling it however will not take effect until the creatures are reloaded.

[1.0.3] - 2021-03-19


  • Cart detach range and attachments offset are now based on the radius of the animal it is being attached to, this was to help make the mod more compatible with mods like All Tameable. Detach distance for Wolf, Boar, and Lox was replaced with Detach Distance Factor which is used for all creatures.
  • attachToOtherTamed setting now defaults to True.
  • Removed logging when character type was other than Player, Boar, Wolf, or Lox.


  • Configuration Settings for

[1.0.2] - 2021-03-18


  • Cart detaches when dodging or teleporting as in vanilla Valheim


  • Ability to configure which animal types can connect to cart


  • Set default cart offset for unknown animal types to be the same as used for Wolves and Boars

[1.0.1] - 2021-03-17


  • NullReferenceException when attaching cart to player. I wasn't able to reproduce this but I added some more aggressive null checks and cart now attaches based on Character transform not Tameable transform. Hopefully this will make it more friendly with other mods. Added additional logging around this as well.


  • This changelog :-)

[1.0.0] - 2021-03-16


  • Tamed boars and loxen can now be commanded to follow the player in the same manner as wolves in vanilla Valheim. This can be disabled via the configuration file.
  • When interacting with the handles of the cart if a valid tame animal is in range the cart will attach to the nearest animal. Otherwise if the player is in a valid position the cart will attach to them.
  • Animals are able to pull heavier carts than the player can, larger animals can pull heavier carts than smaller animals.
  • Configuration file